Recent Entries

  • Fue hair transplant: The most preferred method

    Hair transplant is a boon to human life. You can regain your hair which is natural with the hair transplant. There are two methods, one is FUT/Strip Excision and Second is  FUE. Follicular unit extraction is the most recommended method nowadays. With advancement in technology and from surgical ...
  • Why avoid sun exposure after hair transplant

    Hair transplant is the procedure to treat baldness and hair loss. Experienced trichologist minimize the risk of hair loss after the procedure. To get the best result, it is important to follow the post-operative instruction rigorously. One of the instruction is to avoid sun exposure for the initial...
  • How to treat hereditary hair loss

    Hair loss because of heredity is not a disease but a natural condition caused by genetics and aging. Genetic hair loss can be cured but at an early age and special care should be taken care. In genetic hair loss, hair starts to thin and progress to complete hair loss. Both men and women can suffer f...
  • Hair Density and its importance in hair transplant

    Hair density is the number of hairs a person has on his head. Anyone saying about the thickness of the hair is referring to the density of the hair. For trichologist, especially to hair restoration surgeon, hair density is different and more precise terms.Hair density and level of BaldnessThe differ...
  • Factor that contributes to failed hair transplant

    Hair transplant is the only viable option to treat your baldness because of male pattern baldness. However, not every candidate is good for hair transplant. Before opting a hair transplant surgery, one must know everything about the hair transplant procedure. There are some factors why people h...