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How to treat hereditary hair loss

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    Hair loss because of heredity is not a disease but a natural condition caused by genetics and aging. Genetic hair loss can be cured but at an early age and special care should be taken care. In genetic hair loss, hair starts to thin and progress to complete hair loss. Both men and women can suffer from heredity hair loss. 50% of men and 40% of women get affected by genetic hair loss as they age. Hair loss in women is different from men. Complete Baldness is rare in women. Hair thinning and widening of the parts in hairs are seen in women. Genetic hair loss can be treated with medication in early age and healthy diet should be followed to cure hair loss. Hair transplant is the way to treat genetic hair loss. Due to the advancement of the technology, hair transplant is an easy and effective way to get rid of the baldness. Get hair transplant in Chandigarh and get rid of your baldness at an affordable price.

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