Recent Entries

  • Natural remedies for hair loss.

    Looking for natural remedies for hair loss? You are at the right place. India is rich in many herbs which are proven effective in hair care. There are many herbs like bhrigraj, amla, fenugreek, brahmi, trifla and neem that have many antibactirial and antifungal property and can be used as natural re...
  • Can I Color my hair after Transplant?

    Hair transplant not only provides you a full head of hair but also improve your self-esteem and confidence. After hair transplantation, people usually want to flaunt their hair. And generally concerned whether they can colour their hair again or not? The answer is "Yes". The transplanted hair grows...
  • Hair Loss Supplements: Helpful In Hair Loss Or Not

    There is no shortage of hair loss supplements in the market claiming that they are effective for hair fall. But are they safe or really helpful for hair loss? According to hair transplant Chandigarh before opting any solution/treatment or product it is important to address the real reason behi...
  • Tips and tricks for better Hair care during night

    Caring for your hair should be an important part of your daily routine. Most of us wake up and the first thing we do in the morning is styling our hair to make ourself presentable throughout the day. But do we think about hair care before sleeping? Taking care of hair at night is also essential beca...
  • What to expect during a Hair Transplant Consultation

    Are you considering a hair transplant? Before opting for hair restoration treatment, you should first get a proper consultation from experts. It is essential because of two main reasons. First, to know the eligibility for hair transplant. Secondly, So that the trichologist can analyze your scalp and...