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Factor that contributes to failed hair transplant

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    Hair transplant is the only viable option to treat your baldness because of male pattern baldness. However, not every candidate is good for hair transplant. Before opting a hair transplant surgery, one must know everything about the hair transplant procedure. There are some factors why people have failed hair transplant.


    1. Inexperienced Surgeon:

    The experienced doctor is the most important factor for the success of a hair transplant. It takes lots of skill and effort to master the skill. Grafts are required to handle nicely and placement should be accurate. A hair transplant carried out by an inexperienced doctor lead to breakage of graft and grafting not taken place accurately and hence failed hair transplant.

    2. Insufficient Post-Operative Care

    Taking care of the transplanted hair is important. If proper care is not maintained it lead to a failed transplant.

    3. Not being the ideal candidate

    If you are not an ideal candidate for hair transplant, results will not be optimal. There are many factors choosing ideal candidacy.

    4. Dishonesty by the clinic:

    Not all clinic are honest. Sometimes offering cheap hair transplant don't provide the quality result. Before opting we should research for best hair transplant clinic.


    On contradicting to above points Kabera Global have experienced surgeons who provide the best pre and post-operative care. Kabera global provide free consultation during which they identify the level of baldness and the treatment which is beneficial for the patient. Get successful hair transplant in Chandigarh with Kabera Global at an affordable price.



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