Recent Entries

  • Islamic Finance Halal Loans Sharia Finance Australia

    The property he'd like to purchase is valued at $310,000 and with his $60,000 deposit, he needs help coming up with the $250,000 difference before the house can be transferred to him. A new fintech lender, Outfund, is ramping up for growth through the broker channel after having completed a capital....
  • NAB launches a first in Islamic business financing

    Copies of public submissions made to the Board are available below. Where an Islamic financial product is economically equivalent to a conventional product, the tax treatment of the two products should be the same. We hold a restricted ADI authorisation granted by the Australian Prudential Regulatio...
  • Get Halal Islamic Loans For Home, Car & Business

    The way it works is that the financial institution mortgages the property and charges you an amount that you pay in rent. The more funds you repay, the more ownership you have in the property until it is paid off in full. Keep in mind that just because the institution doesn’t charge interest, ...
  • Keynote Address, 2010 Islamic Finance Conference, Rendezvous Ho

    Let me assure you the Government is intent on developing Australia as a regional financial centre and it sees Islamic finance as a fundamental part of that endeavour. Businesses that offer Islamic finance products should benefit from any successes we achieve in that sphere. First, the Report recomme...