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How To Use: Three Way Stopcock ?

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    Click on the connector with 2 female Luer ports and a male Luer lock. 3 ports have been capped. Color studs are provided, which can be fixed for color coding. Usually the faucet is blue or red, indicating venous or arterial use respectively. Some plug valves have been connected to extension pipes.

    Key area used
    Highly dependent unit
    Generally all wards

    Can be used in intra-arterial and intravenous systems. If used for arterial purposes (for blood sampling), place a red peg on the device. Use the handle on the top of the stopcock to open and close the pipeline to provide a three-way flow (from inlet to outlet, from inlet to side port or from side port to outlet). At most 1, it is used for drug/drug infusion and for connecting extension cords. Blood samples can also be collected through the injection port.

    Yuhuan Shengjiu Mould Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer and supplier of   Three Way Stopcock   and    Safety Needle Mould  . Our three-way stopcock products can be used for multi-channel and multi-infusion therapy, and the rotation is flexible and unrestricted. Choose our products so that you have no worries during the use process. Welcome to buy: https://www.medicalmould.net/product/transfusion-bloodset-mould/stopcocks-mould/



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