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Steps to Hack your ads for LinkedIn ROI

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    The primary aim of advertising is to reach out to your target audience and convince them to buy your products. Convincing them is on the one hand and reaching them is on the other. With LinkedIn, advertising is quite tricky. It would help to create a large audience size to show your ads before they go live. Many newbies find themselves ticking irrelevant boxes and selecting options that don't match their target audience. For instance, if you're running ads for an online course, you'll be selecting boxes related to study. Your ad is exposed to thousands of irrelevant users when you don't do the right thing.

    With the pinpoint technique, you can search for your ideal person and filter the results to find the exact people you want to advertise to. You can also choose the individuals that see your ads, meaning that you get linkedin ads ROI. Even if you don't see the results immediately, the chances are that it'll pick up soonest.

    Here are tips to increase your LinkedIn ads ROI:

    LinkedIn search

    There are tons of filters on this app that you may get confused on the one to choose. It is best to have a sales navigator to allow you access more results from each search. The standard search allows you to view 1000 search results while the sales navigator shows you the first 5000. Therefore, you should try this hack to reach more people.

    Export results

    It would be best if you had a LinkedIn search export tool like Lix to achieve this. You can choose to subscribe to a paid plan or stick to the free one. There are no hard and fast rules to select, but it all depends on your budget. The free version allows you to export 1000 search results monthly. one of the advantages of using Lix is its "lists" feature. Instead of exporting each search to a CSV file and duplicating them yourself, this software does it automatically.

    Contact targeting template

    To upload the results of your ads, you're required to copy the data into one of LinkedIn's contact targeting templates – it is that simple. If you're not using Lix, you can perform various exports and copy the data into the template until you reach the 10000 mark.

    Upload your list

    If you are happy with your audience, go to the LinkedIn campaign manager to select 'matched audiences.' Click, 'create audience" and select 'upload company.' After uploading your CSV, you are required to wait for 48 hours for LinkedIn to build your audience. It is possible that the campaign manager cannot match the names on your CSV to a profile, meaning that not everyone on your list would make it through. This is not an opportunity to be scared, as you can top-up your list by repeating the first three steps I listed earlier.

    When you see the green light near your audience, it signifies the start of the ads. You can now send your LinkedIn ads to your selected list. This technique shared above would help you maximize your LinkedIn ads ROI.

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