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How to strike up a conversation with a beautiful girl of your c

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    When we meet a beautiful girl on campus, or in the park, or on our way home, with a pretty face, tall body, and grace, the first step is to strike up a conversation with her.

    When you approach her, you have to carefully observe what she is doing at this time, because the first words you open your mouth are very important to make your entry point natural. Some people may take the single-cut method, walk up to the girl and say directly: " Hi, pretty girl, you look so beautiful, so elegant. Can we have a chat?" This expression is too direct and will give the other party a feeling of scheming against you, and I believe most girls will leave you in a hurry.

    When talking to girls, you must look very confident, confidence is the most attractive temperament of men, no girl will like a guy who is not confident. So your talk and demeanor should be natural and generous, you can't hold your arms and cross your arms in front of your chest, which gives a feeling of nervousness. Nor can you stick your hands in your pockets, which looks impolite and unnatural. Of course confidence should also be smiling, giving a sense of cordiality, confidence is not the kind of condescending, commanding feeling, girls hate especially loaded boys.

    Remember, hitting on girls is actually a two-way selection process, you choose each other, the other party is also choosing you. You want to find a beautiful girl, and the other party wants to find a boy who is different and can be relied upon. So beautiful girls can't be begged, they can only be attracted to. When talking to girls, you can't have any begging, thirsty or lowly feeling, that will only make people look at you. When talking, you can't always be the one to talk and talk on and on. You should become a good listener, listen to what she is concerned about, what preferences, and then follow her topic down, so that she will have a feeling of knowing.

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