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6 Strange Signs of Gut Issues Everyone Should Be Aware Of

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    Your gut is an amazing organ that’s involved in thousands of bodily processes. It not only helps you digest food and absorb nutrients but also regulates your immune system and helps your brain and other organs work properly. So, it’s no surprise that your overall health depends on your gut health. And given that gut issues can strike anyone, it’s essential to know the symptoms that can help you understand that something’s wrong with your gut. We’ve collected some signs of gut problems:    

    1. Chronic fatigue 

    When you’re chronically sick, you experience constant fatigue. The gastrointestinal tract helps your body filter and it deals with parasites, bacteria, and food intolerances (such as gluten and dairy) and it sucks the body of its energy. And when your gastrointestinal tract is "sick," its ability to filter your impurities is reduced. This allows more unhealthy things to invade and poison your body. The fatigue you experience occurs as the body works to regulate the imbalances provoked by these outside influences.

    2. Joint pain 

    In fact, joint pain is a hallmark of low-grade inflammation in the body. And your gastrointestinal tract is the source of inflammation within the body. Consequently, when part of the body gets inflamed, all of the body's immune system directs its resources to that area.

    According to a recent study, people with leaky gut syndrome who have too high levels of microbes in the gut correlate with increased joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Leaky gut syndrome contributes to inflammation all over the body, if you are predisposed to joint pain, this inflammation can actually worsen your joint pain. Accordingly, those with arthritis can reduce joint pain by treating their guts. 

    3. Diarrhea, constipation, pain, and bloating 

    These symptoms are commonly linked to gastrointestinal problems. When your GI tract is out of balance, it creates a sort of fire that results in an inflammatory response that can lead to significant discomfort. In fact, it can exacerbate all inflammatory conditions throughout the body. Parasites in the GI tract can also create inflammation-causing toxins, which affect every cell in the body.

    4. Hair loss 

    When the gastrointestinal tract is not healthy, it doesn't make its essential digestive enzymes. When we don't have those digestive enzymes, we don't absorb all of the crucial nutrients required to support hair growth and healthy hair. Oftentimes, when treating a patient’s hair loss doctors treat the culprit parasite(s) as well as take a patient off of gluten and/or dairy. They might also give digestive enzymes to improve the absorption of dietary nutrients.

    5. Vaginal problems 

    Parasites and yeast overgrowth in the gastrointestinal tract can also trigger vaginal inflammation and infection. When a person consumes foods that they have an allergy or intolerance for, this can cause the mucus membranes in the body to react, including the vaginal mucus membranes. The pH of the vagina is crucial for vaginal health. Anytime there is poor digestion, the pH of the body is altered, resulting in more vaginal pain, dryness, and infections.

    Other common symptoms that can be related to leaky gut include migraines, heart palpitations, rashes, and allergies.

    6. Weight gain 

    In fact, weight gain could stem from gastrointestinal issues, including leaky gut syndrome. Plus, food intolerances, sensitivities, or allergies might be the culprit of your gut imbalance. The inability to properly digest and break down certain foods might cause them to metabolize ineffectively and thus lead to weight gain.


    If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, this could mean you have gut issues. It’s essential first to find out whether or not you have any dietary problems, food allergies, parasites, or yeast that might be causing the digestive issues or inflammation. Once your doc has identified the root cause(s), simple adjustments to your diet as well as treatments to detox your body of the irritant parasites will help heal your gut.