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How To Boost Mental Focus & Increase Productivity

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    Today, most students are mentally due to their countless academic and social obligations. You cannot focus on a task if you are constantly thinking, "I have to write my essayor “I have to prepare for the debate competition.” 

    Even during quiet moments, your mind is wandering, and you end up thinking about your unfinished analytical essay, dirty laundry, or other pending tasks on your to-do list. Your inability to concentrate hampers your creativity and restricts you from performing well.

    Whether trying to complete an exploratory essay or preparing for a college marathon, you must improve your mental focus to make effective changes to your overall well-being. Here's how you start:

    No Multitasking

    For many of us, multitasking may sound like a good idea when you have a lot to deal with. However, experts suggest that 85% of people are bad at it. Jugging two assignments or two tasks can hamper your creativity and make things harder. That's why you need to limit your focus to one task at a time and give your absolute best.

    Engage in the Moment

    It's tough to focus on the task at hand if you are mentally elsewhere. For example, stop worrying about “I have to write my English essay when practicing for a spelling bee. Your thoughts will distract you, make you anxious, and keep you mentally occupied. Instead, be present at the moment. Living in the moment can help you avert stress and guide you to a successful path.

    Take Breaks to Regain Focus

    Sure, you have essay topics to research, gather resources, complete your math homework, and prepare for next day’s class. So where's the time for a break? Well, you need to make time for it. Trying to focus on prolonged tasks can affect your concentration power and hamper the quality of work. But if you take timely breaks, it will cut the monotony and refresh your mind. So take occasional breaks to keep your focus sharp.

    Eliminate Distractions

    Most people underestimate how distractions hinder one's performance. Even the constant barking of your neighbor's dog can be distracting when you are trying to focus. However, minimizing distractions can help you deal with noisy dogs, ringing phones, or other distracting factors around you. Turn of your phone, find a quiet place and study with the doors closed to prevent your mind from getting distracted.

    With strong mental focus, you can concentrate and accomplish a lot more. So practice these tips to focus on the essential things in life.

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