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The Best Places to Camp on the Rupin Pass Trek

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    The Rupin Pass Trek is a breathtaking journey that offers trekkers an array of stunning landscapes, from lush green meadows to snow-covered mountain passes. One of the highlights of this trek is the opportunity to camp at some of the most beautiful and serene locations in the Himalayas. In this guide, we'll explore the best places to camp on the Rupin Pass Trek, providing you with essential details and tips to enhance your trekking experience.

    Rupin Pass Trek



    Dhaula is the starting point of the Rupin Pass Trek and is an ideal place to camp on the first night. Nestled along the banks of the Tons River, this quaint village offers a serene setting to begin your adventure.


    • Scenic Beauty: Surrounded by lush green forests and the gentle flow of the river.
    • Relaxing Atmosphere: Perfect for acclimatizing and preparing for the trek ahead.



    Sewa is a charming village located a day's trek from Dhaula. This small village is known for its picturesque surroundings and warm hospitality.


    • Local Culture: Experience the local culture and interact with the friendly villagers.
    • Beautiful Temple: Visit the ancient temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.

    Jhaka Village


    Jhaka Village, often referred to as the hanging village due to its unique location on the edge of a cliff, is a fascinating place to camp.


    • Unique Location: The village offers stunning views of the surrounding valleys and mountains.
    • Cultural Experience: Engage with the villagers and learn about their traditional way of life.

    Saruwas Thach


    Saruwas Thach is a beautiful campsite located amidst lush meadows and forests. It serves as an excellent spot for a relaxing night under the stars.


    • Meadow Camping: Camp in the midst of verdant meadows with a backdrop of towering trees.
    • Peaceful Ambiance: Enjoy the tranquility and beauty of nature.

    Dhanderas Thach (Lower Waterfall Camp)


    Dhanderas Thach, also known as the Lower Waterfall Camp, is one of the most picturesque campsites on the Rupin Pass Trek. It is situated near a stunning waterfall, providing a mesmerizing setting for trekkers.


    • Waterfall Views: Wake up to the sight and sound of a majestic waterfall.
    • Scenic Beauty: Surrounded by lush greenery and panoramic views of the mountains.

    Upper Waterfall Camp


    The Upper Waterfall Camp is another breathtaking campsite located higher up near the waterfall. This site offers even more spectacular views and a closer proximity to the cascading water.


    • Close to the Waterfall: Experience the raw beauty of the waterfall up close.
    • Stunning Scenery: Enjoy unparalleled views of the surrounding peaks and valleys.

    Rati Pheri


    Rati Pheri is a high-altitude campsite located near the base of the Rupin Pass. This site is essential for acclimatization and preparation before crossing the pass.


    • High-Altitude Camping: Experience camping at high altitude with breathtaking views.
    • Starry Nights: Clear skies offer incredible stargazing opportunities.

    Rupin Pass Summit Camp


    Camping near the Rupin Pass summit is a thrilling experience. This campsite provides trekkers with the opportunity to rest before making the final ascent to the pass.


    • Close to the Summit: Conveniently located for an early morning start to the pass.
    • Snow-Capped Peaks: Surrounded by snow-covered mountains and glaciers.

    Ronti Gad


    Ronti Gad is a beautiful campsite located on the other side of the Rupin Pass. This site offers stunning views of the Rupin Valley and the surrounding peaks.


    • Panoramic Views: Enjoy expansive views of the valley and distant peaks.
    • Tranquil Environment: A peaceful spot to rest after crossing the pass.

    Sangla Kanda


    Sangla Kanda is a serene meadow located near the end of the Rupin Pass Trek. This campsite is surrounded by lush greenery and offers a tranquil setting to relax and unwind.


    • Meadow Camping: Camp in a picturesque meadow with stunning views.
    • Relaxing Atmosphere: A perfect place to reflect on your trekking journey.

    Essential Tips for Camping on the Rupin Pass Trek

    Choose the Right Gear

    Ensure you have high-quality camping gear suitable for high-altitude trekking. This includes a sturdy tent, warm sleeping bag, and insulated sleeping mat.

    Stay Hydrated

    Always carry enough water and stay hydrated. Use a water filter or purification tablets if you're refilling from natural sources.

    Pack Light

    Pack only the essentials to keep your backpack light. This will make trekking and camping more comfortable.

    Leave No Trace

    Practice Leave No Trace principles by packing out all your trash and minimizing your impact on the environment.

    Safety First

    Always prioritize safety. Be aware of the weather conditions, altitude sickness symptoms, and have a first aid kit handy.


    Camping on the Rupin Pass Trek is an unforgettable experience, offering trekkers the chance to immerse themselves in the natural beauty and tranquility of the Himalayas. From the lush meadows of Saruwas Thach to the high-altitude camps near the Rupin Pass summit, each campsite offers unique charm and breathtaking views. By following this guide and packing the right gear, you'll be well-prepared to enjoy the best camping spots on this incredible trek.

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