Recent Entries

  • Antenatal Hydronephrosis Treatment In Delhi, India

    What Is Antenatal Hydronephrosis?  Antenatal hydronephrosis is the condition that occurs in the fetus during pregnancy. The condition is characterized by enlargement of the kidney due to the accumulation of fluid. Antenatal hydronephrosis indicates various renal disorders in the...
  • Thoracoscopic Surgery In Children: What Is It?

    Thoracosopic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery that is appropriate for children who require surgery for a variety of chest diseases. Today, a variety of straightforward and complicated surgical chest problems are regularly treated with thoracoscopy. Small incisions allow for minimally ...
  • Choosing the Right Surgeon for Hypospadias Surgery in Delhi

    Hypospadias surgery is a delicate and critical procedure, necessitating an experienced and skilled surgeon to ensure the best outcomes. If you are considering this surgery in Delhi, you’re in a city renowned for its medical expertise and advanced healthcare facilities. Here’s how to choo...
  • Best Pediatric Laparoscopic Surgeon In Delhi

     Surgeries are scary, and when it is for your child it is the scariest! You would be terrified to make your mind to take your child to a surgery, preparing for the hospital stay and going through the child recovery process. The happy news is that, there are minimally invasive approaches to trea...
  • Understanding Undescended Testis in Children

    While it might sound alarming at first, understanding this condition and its implications can ease your worries and help you take the right steps for your child’s health. One such issue that might arise is an undescended testis. As parents, we often face numerous health concerns regardin...