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6 Crazy New Year’s Eve Traditions To Try Out For 2023

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    When it comes down to the last day of the year, most people like to celebrate it with a glass of champagne, and scream ‘Happy New Year’ as soon as the clock strikes midnight! We’re sure that you’re also planning to do the same, but would you like to participate in unique traditions and celebrations? Then jolly up, grab a cup of coffee and read along!




    While this won’t be the craziest tradition on this list, it certainly is unique. Say ‘goodbye’ to the massive space taken up by old crockeries – toss them out to your neighbour's front door! The epitome of positive vibes, the Danish celebrate the last day of the year by throwing heaps of crockery to a friend/family’s front door, the bigger the pile, the better the luck. We’re talking plates, glasses, spoons – anything that makes the ‘broken glass’ noise! Legend says this is to do away with bad spirits!




    You might have heard of hanging strings of garlic or ‘stinking roses’, as they used to call them back in the day, to ward off Vampires, but onions? Now that's new! Or not! An age-old tradition in the Greek New Year’s Eve history pages, strings of onions are hung on the front door in the hopes of having a year full of growth. Some believe this act represents rebirth! So the next time you’re in Greece, don’t forget to buy that extra bag of onions to try out this unique tradition.




    Australia, especially Sydney, is renowned around the world for having the best fireworks display in the world, and you can watch it in full scale on New Year’s Eve. Thousands flood on the harbour foreshore, many book the New Year’s Eve cruises, and some even climb the rooftops of the many buildings in the city to get a good look at this extravaganza. A New Year’s cruise on Sydney Harbour is your best bet if you’re looking for a crowd-free vantage point for the fireworks show.




    Wine is a staple of New Year celebrations, but the Russians like to bring a bit of fortune with it. The tradition? Write down your goal or wish on a piece of paper and burn it. Not so bad, eh? Now gather the ashes, put it in your drink and chug it! *Gulp* This is done at the stroke of midnight, and if you really want your wishes to be a reality all you gotta do is finish the drink and swallow the ashes, in under the first minute of the New Year. Now, that’s the Russians for ya!




    The Spanish put aside their champagnes and take a different route by eating twelve grapes at the stroke of the twelve bells at midnight! While this was originally a strategy by grape growers back in the day to sell more grapes, it gained huge popularity, and millions still follow the custom to this day!


    Other European Giants


    The Germans, Turks, Finnish, Bulgarians and the Czech Republicans, all follow the same custom. They like to predict what’s in store for the year, and have an interesting way to find them out – melting lead (tin or wax in certain countries) by pouring it into a heated spoon, candle or fire. Once the molten figurine is dropped into the cold water, it takes  a unique shape, and this shape tells what their future holds. For example, if the shape is of a ball, it translates to ‘luck will roll your way’, or if it is of a frog, it means lottery win! Don’t worry, if the shape is a bit too ambiguous, you can always have another go!