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Cruising the Waters to Nourish Your Soul

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    What if I say that you need to take time and find a way to nourish your soul? I have been working as HR personnel in one of Sydney’s established firms for the past five years. Though personally happy with my work, workplace and workmates, the long tenure got me very low inside.  I was working solo night and day. So I wanted to spend time with people that mattered to me. My soul was literally calling out for help! Apart from all the time spent with meditation and creative activities and indulging in some rejuvenating spa time, I felt the need to step out and experience something unique. During one of my office breaks, a colleague of mine spoke about his holiday ventures. Apparently he had the time of his life on board one of the popular Sydney dinner cruises. I was a hardcore hydrophilic, so without further ado I was a part of this amazing cruise dining experience. And mates, believe me this was exactly what I needed. 


    Closer to Nature


    Nature calms our nervous system. It also helps our mental health and mood. Moreover it refreshes and feeds the spirit. All we have to do is go out there, take a deep breath and take in the fresh air. When I decided to go aboard a Sydney Harbour night cruise with my family I knew I was doing exactly that. The ambience was absolute nourishment to my soul. A simple stroll around the outer decks instantly inspired positive vibes in me. Besides the presence of my loved ones, I was surrounded by the beautiful night sky, flowing waters, city skyline, dazzling harbour attractions including icons like the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. 


    Away from the thronging mob of the city


    Too much noise and too many people can really get to you. I need people around me, but just enough to spread good cheer. Thanks to the fact that I was on a cruise, I was definitely far away from the crowd. I was amazed to see that the cruising vessel had expansive decks and large dining saloons. What’s more? It also had reserved seating with waiter service that inspired a waterfront dining experience. I couldn’t ask for more as I was surrounded by my loved ones and favourites. It just couldn’t get any better. 


    Eat, Drink and Get Together

    There is a give and take of replenishing the soul when you connect with the ones you care for. The feeling is beyond words. It was an incredible waterfront dining experience aboard the dinner cruise with my family & friends around. The laughs and conversations with drinks in hand was the best medicine for my soul.  Needless to say, the scrumptious food completed the picture. Delicious food instantly makes one happy. At the end, we snapped group selfies at the backdrop of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. 


    It’s a Healing Process


    At the end of the day, be it a relaxing cruise or any other experience, find a place or venue where you can calm your inner self. This cruise definitely did it for me.  I finally broke out of my monotonous cocoon – swept away by the lilac night sky and the dark blue waters. The harbour attractions, luxury vessel, food, drinks and fun conversations – I was definitely showered with a treat to all my five senses. Seeing the smiles on the faces of my loved ones, their spontaneous laughter and delight in the whole experience was soul-soothing, to say the least. Every moment with them aboard the cruise remains etched in my heart as beautiful memories.Once I got back to work, I was a changed person. Since then I began to look at everything with a new perspective. 


    With this you might have understood that our soul needs some serious nourishment! I found a way to do it through a fabulous cruise dining experience. Find the way that suits you best. If nothing comes to your mind, hop on board a cruise just like me with a group or just solo. It’s worth a try.

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