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Benefits of CBD Activated Charcoal Soap

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    We are exposed to the elements every day. Even if it's nice to ride your bike down the street or take a stroll around the neighborhood, you are exposing your skin to pollution, which can age it. The same substance that aids in water purification, CBD Activated Charcoal Soap, is useful for eliminating toxins that accumulate on our skin throughout the day. Because of its extraordinary porosity, it traps toxins that would otherwise stay on the skin. It was once referred to as the "universal medicine" because of its ability to treat food illness, but it is now one of our favorite products for our beauty cabinets.

    A Synopsis of CBD Activated Charcoal Soap History

    As early as 1500 B.C., the Egyptians used activated charcoal to treat stomach problems. Additionally, they employed activated charcoal for odor absorption and writing on papyrus. The medical community became interested in CBD Activated Charcoal Soap in 1811 after French chemist Michel Bertrand consumed charcoal along with a lethal amount of poison and survived. It has been used as a first aid treatment for food poisoning and other types of illness ever since. While we don't advocate experimenting like Bertrand did, we do support the amazing toxins-absorbent properties of activated charcoal.

    CBD Activated Charcoal Soap: What Is It?

    Carbon-rich materials like peat, coconut shells, wood, or sustainable bamboo are used to create CBD Activated Charcoal Soap, also known as activated carbon. The substance is first refined and carbonized, turning into a primitive form of graphite when exposed to heat without oxygen. When it is a fine, porous, black powder, it has been purified, pulverized, and activated. The simplest activation method includes heating the material to a high temperature and then exposing it to steam. As a result, the material develops pores of various sizes. Pore diameters can range from obvious fissures and cracks to molecular porosity. Because of the variety of pores, activated carbon has a huge surface area and may absorb a wide range of substances. Consider this: a football field's surface area is roughly equal to three grams of activated carbon! Even pollutants that are millions of times their own weight can be absorbed by activated carbon. The pollutants that clog pores and cause acne can be removed thanks to the same capacity to bind toxins through weak intermolecular interactions.

    As Skin

    Numerous effective skin care applications for CBD Activated Charcoal Soap are advantageous. It is an excellent cleansing agent for skin care since it may draw out pollutants and toxins that are present on the skin's surface. Another fantastic use for CBD Activated Charcoal Soap is to make pores appear smaller. Charcoal can make pores appear smaller by serving as a magnet for attracting dirt, oil, germs, and debris from your pores. At Urban Xtracts, we use bamboo charcoal, a natural exfoliator that is also biodegradable. Concerned about the jet black color? Not to worry; we've created skin care that won't discolor your sink or bathtub.

    Regarding Internal Health

    When used internally, charcoal helps the body cleanse. When administered under a doctor's guidance, it has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels. Avoid using CBD Activated Charcoal Soap powder right after eating or taking medication since it may prevent the body from properly absorbing those substances. It's advisable to just periodically take it for detox. Utilizing activated charcoal to treat food poisoning or to remove toxins and medications from the GI system is frequently recommended by physicians and pharmacists.

    Other unusual use for Charcoal Soap include teeth whitening and use as a hangover cure. Before bottling, it can be used in the wine business to decolorize or eliminate unfavourable off-odors. Activated charcoal differs from BBQ charcoal in that it can be used safely. BBQ charcoal is less porous, produced differently, and contains more harmful ingredients for people. At your neighborhood health food store, you can get loose or capsules of activated charcoal powder for internal wellness. It can be difficult to reap the benefits of activated charcoal. Our Charcoal Clay Cleanser and Charcoal Konjac Sponge, however, are mess-free and simple to use in contrast to many other Charcoal Soap products. Simply wet the sponge, moisturize the face, and dispense a cleaner the size of a half-dollar onto the sponge. In gentle circular strokes, massage into skin. By gently exfoliating the skin, this charcoal face sponge will expose younger-looking layers of skin and remove dulling dead skin. It can be used twice daily and is secure enough for even delicate skin.

    Additionally, exfoliating encourages cellular turnover at a faster rate, making the skin appear younger and more vibrant. Dead skin cells that have accumulated can clog pores and cause outbreaks. Every time you wash your face, we advise using the Charcoal Konjac Sponge. After each use, rehydrate it with water. It can be applied twice a day because it is moderate enough.

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