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How to Format Title Page in APA Formatting?

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    The title page is the first thing that a reader sees when reading your paper. Therefore, it is imperative to format the title page exactly as instructed in the APA publication manual. We will look at the guidelines mentioned in the APA 7th edition and format the title page according to those guidelines. 

    The rules for formatting the title page are slightly different for the 6th edition of the APA. Any part of the title page that is different from the APA 6th edition would be pointed out and discussed separately. Thus, if your supervisor has asked you to write your text following the 6th edition guidelines, keep an eye out for these deviations. And if you are following the 7th edition, all the better for you. Another distinction that is important to keep in mind is that the title page in APA 7th edition is different for professional and student papers. The discussion that follows would make this distinction visible, making it easier for you to follow the steps.

    First and foremost, you need to consider the choices for the type of font. You could either choose one of the sans serif fonts such as Arial (11pt.) or Calibri (11pt.), or one of the serif fonts such as Georgia (11pt.) or Times New Roman (12pt.). After you have made your choice of the font, you can move onto the next point of consideration, which is the header of the title page. The header is different for both student and professional papers. In the case of the former, the paper or essay writer should only include the page number in the header which is to be right-aligned. For professional papers, the header consists of the shortened title that is capitalized and left-aligned. A page number is also added which is aligned to the right. 

    In the 6th edition of the APA publication manual, the shortened and capitalized title is right-aligned, but it is preceded by the words “Running head:” capitalized exactly as such. The page number is also included, which is right-aligned. Consider that the paper you are working on has the title “Key Achievements of First-Wave Feminism and Some Failures”. The shortened title to be included in the header would be something like “First-Wave Feminism Achievements”, which would be included as such in APA 7th edition, and in APA 6th edition would be written as “Running head: First-Wave Feminism Achievements”.

    The next step in formatting your title paper in APA is the title of your paper. The title of the paper in APA should be placed in the top half of the page. The title is to be center-aligned and the title is to be capitalized according to the title case capitalization, in which every word is capitalized, except short words such as articles and prepositions. In APA 7th edition, the title appears bold, while in APA 6th edition, the title is placed in normal font. Another thing to consider when writing the title is that the length of the title should not exceed the limit of 12 words. Moreover, the title should be concise, reflecting the content in the paper, and should not include words that add no meaning to it. The title should also include some keywords that reflect the overall theme of the paper. If the instructions mentioned above seem overwhelming, you can acquire help from a professional essay writing service that would cater to your formatting and other writing needs.

    The next line on the title page mentions the authors of the paper. The name(s) of the authors should be centered, and double-spaced. Even if the name(s) of the authors include any titles, they are not to be mentioned on the title page. If the paper has two authors, the names of these authors are to be separated by an and. In the case of more than two authors, the names of these authors are to be separated by a comma, with the name of the last author being preceded by an and instead of a comma. For example, “Lee N. Robins, Darlene H. Davis, and David N. Nurco”.

    The line showcasing the names of authors is followed by a line depicting institutional affiliations. Institutional affiliations are to be center-aligned. For students, these affiliations include their department of study and the name of their educational institute. For researchers writing a professional paper, the affiliation line should include their department and research institution name.

    The rest of the title page is structured differently based on the choice of the student paper and professional paper. The student paper includes the name of the course that is being studied, the instructor who has assigned the paper, and the due date within which the paper is to be submitted. All of these are to be written in the order mentioned with each having its own separate line. Moreover, all of this content is to be center-aligned. If I were to get stuck at any point during the formatting phase, I could ask a professional writer to write my essay for meor paperwhich would help me focus on other aspects of the text that need attention.

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    In professional papers, however, the institutional affiliation line of the title page is followed by an author’s note. The author’s note includes information about the authors such as their names, departments, and contact information, such as mailing address. Moreover, it mentions and acknowledges any financial help received by these paper writing service authors. The author's note is center-aligned and bold and written in the bottom half of the page. The details of the author’s note each occupy their own separate line, and the content is center-aligned. Ensuring that the given instruction is accurately followed would result in a title page that is formatted precisely as the APA rules dictate.

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