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Two Arguments for Women’s Jumpers and Rompers

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    If you are personally already a part of the jumper and romper gang, then there isn’t too much of a reason for you to keep reading, unless you want to entertain yourself. This article is geared toward those with a more fragile constitution that have up to this point shied away from the glory of women’s jumpers and rompers - and done so unnecessarily.



    True enough, jumpers and rompers can be a little bit intimidating, especially if you come from a background where you are more comfortable accessorizing with what is familiar. Jumpers, rompers, and to a certain degree, jumpsuits, have become much more popular in recent years and therefore they don’t have the long-standing appeal of some other styles of clothing.


    That paired with their unconventional look can turn some people off to them, but we’re here to tell you that there should be no reason for this. If you’re on the fence about women’s jumpers and rompers, read on and you will see why they deserve a place in your wardrobe.


    1. They’re Different

    Probably the greatest thing about jumpers and rompers is just the simple, unavoidable fact that they are basically different from everything else out there. Unless you are specifically working with a dress (or maybe coveralls, which are really the purview of machinists, welders and hunters) then you have forever been dealing with the dichotomy of “top and bottom.”


    Jumpers and rompers can free you from this trap of monotony and expose you to a whole world of one-piece fashion that is divorced from the dress. Also, it’s important to keep in mind that sometimes fashion is defined by how iconoclastic it is, and jumpers and rompers just tend to turn heads. That’s a simple fact.


    2. They Free You (Mostly) from Needing to Find a Match

    The first point is the most important, and that is that jumpers and rompers free you from the classic styles of which you may have become bored. What they also do is free you from the need to find matching clothes and accessories, at least for the most part.


    Jumpers and rompers are like convenient one-piece outfits that don’t require you to wrack your brain looking for compatible pieces of clothing and accessories to go with them. The jumper or the romper is the outfit, and that can save you a lot of trouble and time.


    If these aren’t great reasons to give some designs in jumpers and rompers a try, then we do declare that nothing is. Of course, you have nothing at all to lose by trying, and you can also give a few options a try and then go back to the old ways if you don’t like the result.


    That much has never been easier than it can be right now with Boho Pink, whose catalog you can conveniently shop from your own home at BohoPink.com. Boho Pink has one of the internet's largest, and the most dazzling, collection of ladies boho clothing, including a venerable selection of jumpers, jumpsuits, and rompers. They also offer excellent customer service and are always adding to their collection, so if you want more information or need a little guidance, contact them at 732-242-4148.