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Contemplating a Pharmacy Tech Career

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    The iPod generation of kiddies and kids are definitely the most technology experienced therefore far. Inside my young, through the mid-eighties in India, we barely had use of computers. I took a computer school in 1987, at which the instructor used to offer us "demos" on a real machine about once per week, and we never actually set on a PC. Instead, we wrote algorithms and pseudocode, and were tested on the reasoning of our programs.

    Within my new India trip, we visited a town school that my great-great-grand-father had recognized within our ancestral village in Rajarhat, near Calcutta, wherever he grew up. The head-master took people about and explained they have 10 pcs, and students from 8th grade on learn data-structures, formulas, AND they really write applications in C techcareers .

    I was both satisfied and fascinated with how far into the material of India - IT has produced its way. In this instance, the car because of this achievement is an educational outreach plan from IBM. In the US, of course, we've an Affluenza technology rising on pcs from age 3 or 4. It's, therefore, significantly frustrating to see that article by Laura Tiffany, on the career preferences of today's adolescents:

    "The adolescents surveyed think that development may look after such problems as clean water (91 percent), world starvation (89 percent), illness (88 percent), pollution decrease (89 percent) and power conservation (82 percent). In addition they feel fuel and CDs are on their way out; 33 percent believe gas-powered cars is going to be gone by 2015 and CDs will be only a memory within 10 years. 

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