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Lagos Local news

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    Lagos Local News is an online community of international reporters & social advocates dedicated to bringing you the latest commentary and news reports from a Nigerian-African perspective.

    Lagos Local News is an online community of international reporters and social advocates committed to providing the latest commentary and news reports from a Nigerian-African perspective. In a world where the mainstream media often overlooks or misrepresents African news and events, Lagos Local News strives to be a reliable source of information for those seeking a more accurate understanding of the African continent. In this article, we will explore the history, mission, and impact of Lagos Local News, as well as its role in shaping the conversation around African news and events.

    History of Lagos Local News
    Lagos Local News was founded in 2015 by a group of Nigerian journalists who were frustrated by the lack of accurate and reliable news coverage of Nigeria and the wider African continent. They believed that the mainstream media was often biased or sensationalist in its reporting of African news, and that this led to a distorted view of the continent and its people. In response, they created Lagos Local News as a platform for African voices to be heard and for African perspectives to be shared with the world.

    Over the years, Lagos Local News has grown to become a community of over 50 international reporters and social advocates from across Africa and around the world. They are dedicated to providing accurate, unbiased, and informative news and commentary on a wide range of topics, from politics and economics to culture and society.

    Mission of Lagos Local News
    The mission of Lagos Local News is to provide a platform for African voices to be heard and for African perspectives to be shared with the world. They believe that by providing accurate and reliable news and commentary, they can help to shape the conversation around African news and events, and contribute to a more informed and nuanced understanding of the continent and its people.

    At the heart of Lagos Local News is a commitment to social justice and advocacy. They believe that journalism can be a powerful tool for social change, and that by shining a light on issues of injustice and inequality, they can help to effect positive change in African communities.

    Impact of Lagos Local News
    Since its inception, Lagos Local News has had a significant impact on the conversation around African news and events. Their reporting has been cited by international media outlets, and their journalists have been invited to speak at conferences and events around the world. They have also been recognized for their commitment to social justice and advocacy, and have received numerous awards and accolades for their work.

    Perhaps most importantly, Lagos Local News has provided a platform for African voices to be heard and for African perspectives to be shared with the world. By amplifying the voices of those who are often marginalized or ignored by the mainstream media, they have helped to create a more diverse and inclusive conversation around African news and events.

    Lagos Local News is an important and valuable resource for anyone seeking a more accurate and nuanced understanding of African news and events. By providing a platform for African voices to be heard and for African perspectives to be shared with the world, they have helped to shape the conversation around African news and events, and contribute to a more informed and nuanced understanding of the continent and its people.

    Visit now at https://www.lagoslocalnews.com

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