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Amazon SEO vs. Google SEO: How do They Differ?

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    If you are an eCommerce retailer researching ways to drive more sales on Amazon, you have likely heard of Amazon SEO already. Generally speaking, however, Google SEO seems to be a better-known type of search engine optimization. When hiring Amazon listing services, you might wonder how SEO differs between Google and Amazon. Understanding the different forms of SEO helps build your digital marketing strategy much better. So, let’s get into it without any more ado and find out more on this topic.

    5 differences between Google and Amazon SEO

    Google and Amazon are both the biggest in their respective domains – the former is the most used search engine while the latter is the most popular eCommerce platform. Despite this, Amazon has become one of the top search engines on the internet too. When it comes to finding a product online, a majority of shoppers search for it on Amazon. The best SEO company in Noida can provide you with SEO services for both platforms. Here are 5 key differences between Google and Amazon SEO:


    Firstly, you should note that people search differently on Amazon than they do on Google. Shoppers are more likely to use short-tailed keywords than long-tailed keywords on Amazon. On the other hand, you need to optimize your website with more long-tailed keywords to rank well in Google Search results.

    External linking

    Backlinking and external links play a very important role in boosting a website’s SEO performance on Google. A page with quality external links is deemed by the algorithm to be more credible. Amazon listings, however, don’t support external links. You can still use backlinks though – an external site sending traffic to the listing not only generates more sales, but also helps with Amazon SEO.

    Factors considered

    Amazon and Google’s algorithms also take into consideration different factors to rank the results. Backlinking, mobile-friendliness, content quality in terms of usefulness, etc. matter much more for Google SEO. Amazon SEO relies more on factors like seller authority, conversion rates, product impressions, etc.


    As you possibly know, formatting is an important factor in SEO. While bulleting and high readability are always important, content with small chunks of text is fine for Google SEO. The more content a webpage has, the more likely it is to rank. For Amazon SEO, bulleting is a must. A good product description should always comprise bullet points. Shoppers visiting Amazon would want to skim through the details quickly. This is why Amazon listing services should always include proper bulleting of content.


    Ultimately, optimizing a website for better search engine performance on Google is far more complicated than optimizing an Amazon listing. Google SEO requires much more work as you have to make your website appear credible, relevant, and helpful. Google SEO is also much more competitive than Amazon SEO.


    As you can see, Amazon SEO is quite different from Google SEO and calls for specialized effort. Hiring the best SEO company in Noida for Amazon SEO is especially important as Amazon doesn’t offer as many SEO insights as Google Analytics. You need an expert to figure out how to improve your Amazon listings and make them rank well.

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