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    1. 聯繫您學校的財務支持辦公室。大多數貸方要求學校提供一份表格,證明需要額外的援助來支付出勤費用。

    2. 共同簽署人。除非借款人有良好的信用記錄,否則大多數私人學生貸款都需要補償。如果主要藉款人無法償還,則聯署人對償還貸款負有法律責任。

    3. 購買低利率和還款靈活性。您的信用評分可能會受到多個信用申請的影響。盡量在 2 週內完成所有申請,以減少影響。

    4. 實際利率可能會高很多,因為一些私人貸方標榜的利率非常低,例如免息學生貸款,並且只有信用最高的借款人才有資格。

    5. 請不要使用信用卡。這可能是一種更昂貴的方式來資助你的教育。信用卡沒有學生貸款提供的靈活還款條款和借款人保護。



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    What college students need to pay attention to when applying for private loans!
    If you're considering student loans to help pay for your education, you're not alone. But the more you borrow now, the more you will pay each month after graduation.

    If you need a personal loan, shop around for the best deal
    First, make sure you need a private student loan. We urge you to be cautious because private loans are generally more expensive than federal loans and offer little flexibility if you can't pay later. Your personal loan interest rate and monthly repayment amount may change in some cases, leaving you with fewer choices when it comes to when and how much to repay. However, a private loan may be a reasonable option for some borrowers, especially if you have a good credit history. Depending on your needs and credit history, private lenders may allow you to borrow larger amounts. If you shop around and can show your repayment ability, you may find lower interest rates relative to some government loans.

    Steps to get a private student loan:
    1. Contact your school's financial aid office. Most lenders require schools to provide a form certifying that you need additional aid to cover the cost of attendance.
    2. A co-signer. Most private student loans require an indemnifier unless the borrower has a good credit history. If the primary borrower is unable to repay, the co-signer is legally responsible for repaying the loan.
    3. Shop around for lower interest rates and repayment flexibility. Your credit score can be affected by multiple credit applications. To reduce impact, try to complete all applications within 2 weeks.
    4. Some private lenders advertise very low interest rates, such as student loans that are interest-free, and only borrowers with the best credit are eligible, so your actual interest rate may be much higher.
    5. Don't use credit cards. This can be a more expensive way to finance your education. Credit cards don't have the flexible repayment terms or borrower protections that student loans offer.

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