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    Buy A-PHP Crystalline Rocks or -PHP has a short history of use and has been the subject of intense media investigation. It is being utilised and sold as a substitute for other comparable compounds. While -PHP was initially mass produced in Chinese industrial laboratories, a ban on the substance within China's borders has caused manufacture to take place in other countries. There is very little information regarding -PHP's pharmacological characteristics, metabolism, and toxicity. It's been promoted as a lawful Research Chemical A-PHP Crystalline Rocks for sale solely for research purposes alongside research chemical stimulants like NEP and Hexen. Buy A-PHP, also known as alpha-pyrrolidinyl-hexaphenone, PHP, and alpha-PHP, with confidence. ()-1-Phenyl-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-hexanone is the IUPAC designation for a-PHP. PV-7, alpha-PHP, A-PHP, and -PHP are all names for alpha-Pyrrolidinohexiophenone (also known as PV-7, alpha-PHP, A-PHP, and -PHP). -PHP is usually in the form of a fine powder or crystalline form. It has earned a lot of notoriety, just like its research chemical cathinone ancestors. When administered, subjective effects such as euphoria, cognitive acceleration, disinhibition, and ego expansion are described.


    -PHP, or pyrrolidinohexanophenone, is a chemical compound that belongs to the substituted cathinone and substituted pyrrolidine families. Hexanal coupled to a phenyl ring at position 1 and the nitrogen of a pyrrolidine ring at position 2 make up its structure. The longer chain homolog of -PVP, with an extra carbon on the alkyl side chain, is -PHP.

    Pharmacology A-PHP

    -PHP's method of action is uncertain. It is thought to work similarly to other related compounds in its class, with the exception of a somewhat shorter duration. Although no extensive research on the pharmacology of this molecule has yet been undertaken, it is likely to be a powerful norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI). By attaching to and partially inhibiting the transporter proteins that typically remove norepinephrine and dopamine from the synaptic cleft, -PHP, or -Pyrrolidinohexanophenone, may effectively elevate the levels of these neurotransmitters in the brain. Click Here Buy A-PHP for additional details.

    To Buy A-PHP click here :-

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