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CBD and refractory celiac disease: how can CBD help?

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    Celiac disease and gluten intolerance are adverse reactions to dietary gluten intake. Both have the same symptoms: abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite... Avoiding gluten and even traces is essential so that those affected can have a better quality of life and not have long-term sequelae. What happens when symptoms persist despite gluten being eliminated? Could CBD Edibles help these patients?

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    Are celiac disease and gluten intolerance the same?

    Most of the population usually confuses the two diseases because the symptoms are similar and the cause is the same: gluten. Let's explain what each of them is and how they differ.

    Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that affects 1% of the population, although many people do not know it. Typical symptoms are chronic diarrhea, flatulence, weight loss or lack of development in children, rashes, iron deficiency anemia refractory to iron intake, irritability, insomnia, depression, elevated transaminases, osteoporosis, headaches, or nausea. Some sufferers may not have any of these symptoms, however. They are the so-called asymptomatic celiacs.

    Undiagnosed celiac disease causes damage to the intestinal mucosa and atrophy of the intestinal villi. This atrophy alters the ability to absorb nutrients well. Celiacs are more prone to thinness and nutritional deficiencies.

    Celiac disease is a genetically based disease and can occur among several members of the same family. There are some genes that predispose to having the disease, but the definitive diagnosis is the duodenal biopsy, which must be performed before eliminating gluten from the diet.

    After the elimination of gluten, the celiac improves the symptoms and recovers the health of the intestine, improving the absorption of vitamins and nutrients.

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    Gluten intolerance is not celiac disease

    Gluten intolerance is much more common than celiac disease. The symptoms are exactly the same as in celiac disease: diarrhea, abdominal swelling, gut noises... Gluten feels bad for these patients, but it does not damage their digestive tract and they do not usually have problems with a lack of vitamins or iron.

    Gluten intolerance is not a "light" celiac disease. The intolerant may notice more or less discomfort depending on the degree of tolerance, but should not fear the long-term damage and sequelae that gluten can cause to their digestive tract. Celiacs may or may not have symptoms, but if you don't eliminate gluten from your diet strictly and for life, your gut will progressively deteriorate. Injuries to the intestine can lead to serious illness.

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    Could CBD help refractory celiacs?

    The little medical research being conducted on CBD Edibles and celiac disease suggest the possibility that the endocannabinoid system is involved in the origin and development of celiac disease. The same research suggests that CBD would have the ability to increase endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA). Higher concentrations of AEA in the gut could reduce the inflammation that celiac people experience.

    Although they cannot yet be considered conclusive, these data open a way of hope for all those celiacs who do not respond to gluten-free diets. Refractory celiac disease affects only 5% of celiacs and is the most severe form of the disease. More acute cases should take medication, sometimes with corticosteroids, to reduce inflammation of the digestive system.

    There are many people affected by the refractory celiac disease who share their satisfactory experience with CBD on the network. Hopefully, more medical research will be initiated that scientifically accredits the use of CBD Edibles to treat the symptoms of refractory celiac disease and help these patients regain their quality of life and health.

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