Recent Entries

  • A Mastery of Virtual Selling

    Business Coach Ratish Pandey speaks of Impactful Virtual Selling – the likely sales model in the New Normal, during the Business Redefined Summit conducted by ActionCoach India & Middle East Chapter. In the current scenario, driving sales is a challenge that many of us face......
  • Cash Flow vs. Profit: Is it that different?

    Following the greetings, one of the first questions business owners ask each other is How is Your Business Doing? Most of the time, the answer is Profit? Does the business make money? And how do you calculate profits? In the business world, profit is the amount left over after taking out all other ...
  • How to Improve Sales Performance?

    Sales coaching is a process of improving the Sales Performance of an individual or a team through skills development, motivation, and other techniques. The effectiveness of sales coaching can be measured by its ability to improve the performance of the sales force in terms of revenue generation, pro...
  • Growth Mindset in Business and How to Develop One

    The future is always a mystery. We can make guesses and projections based on our past experiences or the knowledge we have today, but no one can say for sure what will happen tomorrow. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t prepare for it! We shall explore how the future mindset can help bu...
  • 4 Expert Tips from Real Leaders for Managing Up

    In today's post, Business Coach Ratish Pandey will be talking about a very different but fascinating subject - “Managing up”. When we hear the word Managing up, we typically associate it with managing a tough manager - overbearing, one who micromanages and looks for ways to make you wor...