Recent Entries

  • Methods for Monitoring and Evaluating the Quality of Water

    The general health of the ecosystem and the underwater flora and fauna are greatly influenced by the presence of healthy water bodies. The quality of water in ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, seas, and groundwater is influenced by several physical, chemical, and biological elements. Environmentalists...
  • Why Is Industrial Wastewater So Difficult To Handle? Is There a

    For industrial operations, there is a wide range of wastewater treatment options, and occasionally a mix of systems is used depending on the water problem. Industrial wastewater treatment methods: Using the Principle of Reverse Osmosis (RO) a system for reusing wastewater Filtration using cera...
  • The Best Liquid Sampler Buying Guide

    You now have all the information you need to make an informed decision on which liquid sampler is ideal for you. How Do I Decide on a Sampler? It's one of the most often requested questions. Many considerations must be taken into account while choosing the appropriate sampler for a given circumsta...
  • Filter Oil from Water

    Oil and water separation or filtration is common when water treatments are done, where the liquid is treated with several chemical, physical and biological ways. This extensive process is being carried out extensively these days to save on safe water. This is important as the researchers have discov...
  • Filtering Ground Water

    Most of the people like you and me have grown up thinking that the ground water must be clean and ready to use and safe of even drinking. But is it really so? Well, in my experience and knowledge regarding how hygienic it is to consume totally depends on the source of groundwater we are looking at. ...