Bipolar Disorder and Symptoms | LifeInSight Inc.

Posted by LifeInSight Inc
People with this disorder have continuous cycles of depression and mood elevation, which are further categorized as manic depression. People dealing with Bipolar Disorder can experience continuous episodes of mania or hypomania, which at times is not visible. Depression can also occur during this period and cover the other aspects of the illness. The person can even be addicted to something which can be hard to leave. LifeInSight BioTherapeutics is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that was established to fund collaborative research designed to optimize treatments for Mental illness, Neurodegenerative diseases, and Substance use disorders. For more information visit our website: - Phone – 713-914-9300 Address – 3950 Braxton Dr., Suite 100, Houston, Texas, 77063 USA Website -
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