Linda Divine, LSCSW, LLC - Therapist in Leawood, KS

Linda Divine, LSCSW, LLC is a therapist in Leawood KS. Linda is also trained in EMDR therapy which she uses to help clients process trauma. Linda provides individual therapy sessions for children, adolescents and adults as well as family therapy sessions for parents or guardians with children. Linda Divine, LSCSW, LLC 2605 Somerset Dr. Leawood, KS 66206 913-341-3120 My Official Website:- Service We Offer:- Therapy for Depression and Anxiety Couples Counseling EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), upsetting memories and enhancement of strengths Family Counseling Grief Counseling Work and Career issues Adjustment to Physical Illness Stress Management Follow Us On:- Twitter:- Pinterest:- Instagram:-
Posted August 13, 2022 - Filed in Howto & Style - #Therapy leawood ks  #therapist leawood ks 
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