Dishes with black caviar — tradition, recipes

  • May 16, 2019 2:01 PM PDT
    Dishes with black caviar — tradition, recipes
    Useful tips on what there are dishes with black caviar

    The culture of consumption of caviar varies over time and in different countries has its own characteristics. So in tsarist Russia, this product was not a delicacy, but served as a standard and tasty addition to pancakes, as well as a good snack to vodka. Today, due to restrictions on the production of sturgeon, this product has become quite rare and extremely valuable.

    The tradition of consumption in different countries
    Today, the value of caviar is very high, so ordinary citizens around the world can afford it for the holidays. For Bohemians and affluent people, this product also remains a luxury item.

    The high culture of the use of caviar was instilled in the world by France, which currently occupies a leading place in the export of delicacies. According to these canons, the product is eaten exclusively with sparkling Brut from the town of champagne.

    Caviar is served in small caviar bowls placed on dishes filled with crushed ice. It allows to achieve optimum temperature which helps to open all bouquet of taste of refined seafood. There it must be in small portions with the help of silver spoons, a little less tea. This metal does not react with food, and therefore does not affect the taste of the delicacy. In Russia, gradually adopt this method of use. However, we still consider the best combination of ice vodka and caviar.

    The product is also served in the following variants:

    Sandwiches on fried baguette or bread with butter or fat cream. This method came from history, when there was no possibility of long-term storage. The fatty component of sandwiches and tartlets not only emphasizes the taste of seafood, but also protects against poisoning in case of damage.
    Original combination with raw oysters. In this version, the oyster is slightly sprinkled with lemon juice, a small spoon of caviar is placed on top of the portion.
    In salads, it serves as a decoration, as well as an exotic addition to the components of the original dish.
    Traditionally Russian combination – air pancakes, smeared with oil, stuffed with fatty cream and caviar.
    Black caviar has an unusual taste, which will be appreciated by seafood lovers and true gourmets. With the right selection of "satellites" this delicacy will be a favorite dish! To order product at the store "Trumart" and Supplement it with fresh components to your taste!

    Food options

    There is a great variety of options for using the delicacy as a component of different dishes. Most often, the recipe with black caviar is laconic and refined, which emphasizes the delicate and delicate slightly salty taste of seafood, without shading it with a lot of other accents. Especially for fans of the marvelous product a few simple and clear recipe:

    Salad recipe with black caviar
    For the salad you will need the following ingredients:

    250 g black caviar;
    200 g vegetable oil;
    white bread;
    little milk.
    Mix caviar with butter and white bread soaked in milk. The consistency should be homogeneous, in addition to whipping with a mixer. Salad put on a dish and decorate with lemon, dill, parsley.

    Tartlets with black caviar
    If you want to please guests with an unusual snack, then prepare delicious tartlets with cheese cream. This will require:

    100 g cream cheese;
    1 tablespoon lemon juice;
    a few sprigs of dill;
    black caviar.
    Mix cheese with lemon juice and chopped dill. Add salt and pepper to taste. Use a spoon or a pastry syringe to put the mixture in the tartlets. Put 1 teaspoon of caviar on top of the cheese mass.
  • May 17, 2019 2:34 AM PDT
    Hello. I do not have information on the history of consumption of caviar. Thank you for the useful, educational information. Personally, I like to eat red caviar with butter on bread. I really like these sandwiches with tea. Very tasty, but expensive for me.
  • May 17, 2019 4:43 AM PDT
    Black caviar the cost of which is fully justified due to the popularity of its exquisite taste healing properties. Most valued sturgeon caviar which contains a large number of useful macronutrients. Black caviar [url=][/url] contains lysine, leucine, serine, magnesium, iron, minerals, potassium, phosphorus, a large set of amino acids, including aspartic and glutamine, as well as a large number of different vitamins.
    In total, there are three types of black caviar: sturgeon beluga and sturgeon. There are several ways to handle caviar and, accordingly, several types of caviar. It is granular pressed and yastikay caviar. Beluga black caviar which cost is most famous for its rather large size of eggs and special value.
    Eating black caviar like ordinary bread and butter is as unwise as turning on a sconce lamp in daylight. The status of black caviar requires special treatment. Chefs are advised to stick with a classic ritual. Put a jar of caviar on crushed ice and leave it for about 20 minutes. This will allow the caviar to fully open. True connoisseurs say that black caviar should definitely be washed down with good champagne. Then lay the calf on the back of the hand right between the index finger and thumb. As usual, it is believed that the caviar should be eaten from human skin naturally with its own. First, you will feel the astringent oiliness and coolness of egg yolk and the whole consonance of delicate aromas and taste sensations.
  • May 20, 2019 2:33 AM PDT
    Hello, Tim Reber. I agree with you in terms of the utility of black and red caviar. At the expense of the correctness of its use I want to say. Every man to his own taste. Everyone has their own priorities. But you are right in terms of the classic use of caviar on ice.
  • May 22, 2019 2:18 PM PDT
    Caviar in itself is a delicacy on the table. And I somehow would not care what it was filed with. I have not eaten caviar for many years due to the high cost of living. Therefore, if someone laid the table for me and put caviar, then I would be happy
  • May 23, 2019 1:20 AM PDT
    [url=/profile/kameroom]Olyun zemlin[/url] said:
    Caviar in itself is a delicacy on the table. And I somehow would not care what it was filed with. I have not eaten caviar for many years due to the high cost of living. Therefore, if someone laid the table for me and put caviar, then I would be happy

    Greetings. As the Russians say, your lip is not a fool. Few people will refuse red or black caviar if it is offered for free. But this is all a fantasy. We must try to earn your money and buy high-quality caviar. It is available to many. The difference is only in the volume of the possible acquisition.
  • May 27, 2019 3:21 AM PDT
    I want to add a couple of tips. Caviar can not be frozen. It is best to serve it in a crystal or glass bowl over ice. If the taste of caviar is saturated, you can serve it with butter, white bread or pancakes. Room temperature butter can be mixed with whipped cream and sprinkled with a couple of drops of lemon juice. Under any circumstances, caviar is always best combined with champagne. If the holidays brought you to Italy, you can combine black caviar in a pair to prosecco if frosty Scandinavian countries - to icy vodka.
  • May 27, 2019 3:52 AM PDT
    [url=/profile/Termin]Tim Reber[/url] said:
    I want to add a couple of tips. Caviar can not be frozen. It is best to serve it in a crystal or glass bowl over ice. If the taste of caviar is saturated, you can serve it with butter, white bread or pancakes. Room temperature butter can be mixed with whipped cream and sprinkled with a couple of drops of lemon juice. Under any circumstances, caviar is always best combined with champagne. If the holidays brought you to Italy, you can combine black caviar in a pair to prosecco if frosty Scandinavian countries - to icy vodka.

    Does someone freeze caviar? That really did not think. You say it right. Each country has its own use of caviar. I think it is not so important with what to use it. As the Russians say, the taste and color of the comrades is not. Personally, I prefer to eat caviar with butter and white bread
  • May 29, 2019 2:11 AM PDT
    In the days of Tsarist Russia, sturgeon fish were abundant. Therefore, black caviar was not considered a rare product. Now times have changed. Sturgeon fish species are almost completely destroyed by barbaric methods of extraction. Because of this, black caviar is very expensive.