Heat-Not-Burn Tobacco Product Study

  • April 20, 2021 8:10 PM PDT
    Are you a healthy adult smoker who is 21-65 years old? You may be able to participate in a 1-visit research study to find out how people who regularly smoke cigarettes respond to a new product that heats but does not burn tobacco. This new product is not a vaping device or e-cigarette. Compensation is provided.To get more news about [url=https://www.hitaste.net/]Heat not burn[/url], you can visit hitaste.net official website.

    Heat-not-burn cigarettes are a new type of tobacco product—different than e-cigarettes or vaping devices—that produce a nicotine-containing aerosol for the user to inhale. The purpose of this research study is to learn more about how cigarette smokers respond to a new, commercially-available heat-not-burn cigarette called IQOS. Researchers hope their findings may help people who want to stop or reduce cigarette smoking in the future.
    Participation involves one in-person visit that will last about 1.5 hours. Participants will be asked to stop smoking two hours before the visit. During the visit, participants will briefly use the IQOS or their usual brand of cigarettes, and answer questions about their reactions.