Heat-not-burn Tobacco Products:

  • April 6, 2021 11:47 PM PDT
    In the wake of the rapid rise of e-cigarettes over the past decade, the
    tobacco industry has launched its latest response to the documented
    harms of cigarette smoking: heat-not-burn (HNB) tobacco products. Philip
    Morris International created and is heavily marketing their version of
    these products, called the IQOS (I Quit Ordinary Smoking), which
    involves disposable tobacco sticks soaked in propylene glycol that are
    inserted into a holder in the HNB cigarette. Philip Morris markets these
    products as being “designed to create a flavorful and satisfying
    nicotine-containing vapor, without burning and without smoke.”
    Advertisements claim this product releases no smoke because the tobacco
    leaves are heated rather than burned, with no tobacco combustion. Claims
    and distracting wording, however, are no substitute for science. The
    authors of a recent report have shown that these tobacco products
    release cancer-causing chemicals.To get more news about [url=https://www.hitaste.net]iqos[/url], you can visit hitaste.net official website.
    companies claim that heat-not-burn products are less harmful than
    cigarettes because when tobacco burns, or combusts, it produces more
    than 7,000 chemicals that are found in cigarette smoke.

    Morris claims that IQOS is less toxic than cigarettes, but multiple
    papers in an issue of the journal Tobacco Control concluded that the
    company’s own data does not fully support those claims. Research shows
    that although IQOS may have lower levels of some toxicants than
    cigarettes, it can still expose users to higher levels of other
    toxicants. Likewise, IQOS could expose users to lower risks of some
    diseases, but higher risks of others.

    Philip Morris’ research
    underscores the fact that fewer toxic chemicals does not mean lower
    levels of harm when people use the product, and that reduced exposure
    claims are misunderstood as reduced harm claims.