World of Warcraft will now let you convert gold into Overwatch

  • April 6, 2021 9:13 PM PDT
    Blizzard today announced that players can convert gold that they’ve
    earned in World of Warcraft into credit on The move allows
    players to convert their in-game currency into virtual goods for other
    Blizzard products, like Overwatch and Hearthstone.To get more news about
    [url=]Buy WoW Trade Goods[/url], you can visit lootwowgold official website.

    move comes courtesy of WoW Tokens, first introduced in 2015 as a way to
    exchange in-game gold for game time. Players can purchase WoW Tokens
    with gold, and are then free to trade them in a special marketplace.
    It’s similar to a system that’s been part of CCP Games’ Eve Online for
    some time.

    Blizzard will now allow WoW Tokens to be converted
    into general credit. That means players will be able to take
    any currency they may have accumulated on World of Warcraft, or even
    sell off items they might not be using, and convert it into loot boxes
    in Overwatch or packs of cards in Hearthstone.

    So, if you’ve got
    some spare cash or high-level raid gear you’re no longer interested in
    keeping around, it might be a good time to cash out. The Chinese New
    Year has brought with it tons of new character skins, sprays and emotes
    for Overwatch.