Top 9 Sweetest Strawberries You Can Grow (and Where to Buy Them


When it comes to growing strawberries, we all want the sweetest possible berries for our hard work. The right variety is crucial, and small to medium-sized fruit usually offers the most concentrated flavor. Let’s explore some super sweet strawberry plants for different climates and harvest needs:To get more news about sweetest strawberry, you can visit shine news official website.

June-Bearing Varieties
Sweet Charlie: Developed in Florida, Sweet Charlie produces large, firm, and very sweet fruit. It grows well in the Northwest (Zones 5-8) 1.
Hapil: Bred in Belgium, Hapil strawberries thrive even in poor, dry soil. They are large, glossy, and great for making jam. Suitable for Zones 4-8 1.

Honeoye: A favorite for over 30 years, Honeoye produces tons of large, sweet berries. It performs well in the Upper Midwest (Zones 3-8) 1.
Sparkle: These late-season berries are small to medium-sized, very sweet, and cold-hardy. Ideal for beginner gardeners in Zones 3-8 1.
Everbearing Varieties
Alpine: Alpine strawberries come in various colors and produce huge amounts of large, dark red, super sweet berries. Grow them in Zones 4-9 2.
Ozark Beauty: These everbearing strawberries are known for their sweetness. Suitable for Zones 4-9 2.
Day-Neutral Varieties
Sequoia: Sequoia strawberries are tender, super sweet, and flavorful. They can be grown in various climates 1.
Sweet Kiss: This compact strawberry plant produces large, dark red, super sweet berries that excel in blind taste tests. Suitable for Zones 4-9 2.

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