SuiteCRM Global Hide Manager (Premium)


Data is the most valuable asset for all kinds of businesses. The stakes are even higher when a company stores its customer data for optimal operating. In this case, data is not only vulnerable to external entities, but internal data breach as well. You may have heard the news about how big firms are dealing with internal data leaks nowadays. The business becomes more exposed when they use data-rich software like SuiteCRM. You don’t want to turn your most valuable asset (data) into the liability by putting it in danger.

To help you avoid these catastrophic errors and hide confidential data in SuiteCRM, we have built a Hide Manager extension for you. Check out its feature in the below section.


Features of SuiteCRM Global Hide Manager Extension

  1. If there is a link in your CRM records then you can disable it by using the “Disable Hyperlink” feature.

  2. You can also hide fields as well as values based on the ID, Class, and element of that particular field.

  3. Hide records in any module based on their status. For example, you can hide all leads in the leads module whose status is currently “Inactive”.

  4. With the help of this extension, you can also encrypt (hide) a few initial characters of any value. For an instance, you can hide initials of Credit Card numbers like **** **** 4586 or encrypt SSN like 54164######.

  5. The premium version of Global Hide Manager allows you to hide fields with values, sections, buttons in SuiteCRM.

  6. Generally, SuiteCRM has many roles and user groups (Teams), therefore, we have made it possible to apply these hide settings to particular roles and groups.

  7. Using this extension, you can hide in all views i.e. list, detail, and the edit view.

  8. Compatible with all SuiteCRM versions.

  • Price $449.00
  • Location United States [map]