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    Which duration is best for your auction?

    In this article, I'll give you some tips designed to help in addressing the question.

    You might question why you would ever want to have less than the optimum exposure i.e. 10 days? Surely running your auction for the longest time would offer bidders more opportunity, and for that reason a higher sale price would result? Definitely eBay.com would appear to believe so, as they presently charge a cost of $0.20 for the advantage of operating a 10 day auction

    If you have an extremely popular item or if you have many similar products to sell, it might pay you to have a much shorter auction period. It pays to think about the end point of your auction extremely thoroughly. In addition, if you are running a Fixed Price auction, there's a little trick you can utilize to provide you extra exposure.

    Let's examine the components to consider in the setting of your auction duration.

    a) Start/end day of auction.

    In my experience, for the majority of categories, the weekend is by far the busiest viewing duration on eBay. I would estimate that around 50% of views of my auctions happen on Saturday and Sunday. In setting auction duration, therefore, the weekend peak might be essential to your success.

    If you can organize to end an auction on Sunday night, you get the benefit of those who wait until completion of the auction to quote, plus the enhanced seeing traffic numbers which appear throughout the weekend.

    This suggests if you're posting an auction on Tuesday night, a 5 day auction could be excellent.

    Having said that the weekend is the busiest for the majority of classifications, some might take advantage of a midweek closing date. Items in this classification would consist of those in which products are provided for organization users.

    If your product is targeted at services, you want people to bid for your product while they are at work. In these circumstances, make sure your auction covers working days, and concludes throughout work time. It has also been discovered that office equipment and materials sell well in the early morning.

    Be conscious of the time when you post your auction, as this is the exact time it will complete a number of days ahead. There's possibly a great deal of distinction in between an auction closing at 10 o'clock on Sunday night, and 10 o'clock on Sunday morning.

    b) Known appeal of the product.

    If you understand your item is popular, and your past experience shows that you will constantly sell at or more than the price you want, even outside of normal peak periods, then a 1 or 3 day auction might be appropriate. The advantage of a 1 or 3 day sale is that you can offer more items, quicker.

    c) Awareness of eBay sort facilities after browsing.

    Whenever eBay's search is used by an eBayer, the default is that it returns auction titles in the order of for how long auctions have delegated run. Auctions which have minutes, or seconds to run, will appear first in the returned list. Auctions which have 9+ days to run will be at completion. And the list may run to numerous, numerous pages.

    Experience has actually revealed that eBayers tend to look only at one or 2 pages in returned lists. This suggests it is essential you get your auction onto these first 2 pages at some time in its life - another reason that a 1 or 3 day auction may be better than a 7 or 10 day duration.

    Know too that a high percentage of bidding activity takes place towards the end of an auction. This is natural. Buyers are on the lookout for bargains. If they can nip in with a bid at the end of the auction, they might get the item at a good rate and there might not be time for others to top their bid. (Buyers can likewise utilize "sniping" software, created to position a bid at the latest possible time on auctions which are of interest to eBay discount codes them.).

    However, the searcher can easily re-order the returned titles list. A popular choice is to re-order the list into "newly noted" series. The top of the list will now reveal auctions which have been newly added to eBay. This is why there is in some cases a blip of bidding activity at the start of an auction in addition to at the end.

    d) Time Zones.

    eBay's default is to begin your auction from the time you send it. As you understand, this means it will terminate at that specific time, the number of days ahead that you pick as the duration. If you're offering your item worldwide you ought to provide factor to consider to the time zone you're aiming for in terms of auction finish point.

    For example, in the USA half of all eBay members live in the Eastern Time Zone. So an auction ending at 10pm Pacific Time is fine for west coast eBay members, however over on the east coast this is 1am! So you're effectively losing around 50% of potential bidders at a crucial point in your auction.

    You can set your auction to start at any time and day up to 21 days ahead. This suggests you can commence your auction according to the timing you believe will bring in the most audiences.

    This is a helpful ability if you wish to create your listings in advance, and after that have them released onto eBay in a phased sequence.

    e) Fixed Price auctions - Single Item.

    I discussed a little trick previously. Well, here it is. With a Fixed Price auction for a single product you might think about handling your auction period dynamically. You need to be monitoring your auctions closely i.e. throughout the day, to undertake this method.

    When bidders do a search on eBay, you know the auctions with the least amount of time left appear at the top of the returned list. It is helpful to keep the remaining time on your auction as brief as possible. This is a method which you get four bites of that cherry for a single listing cost.

    1. Start your Fixed Price single item auction off with 1 day duration. Wait for someone to buy.

    When the auction has just over 12 hours left, go in to the auction and modify the auction duration to 3 days. Wait for somebody to purchase.

    3. When the auction has simply over 12 hours left, go in to the auction and modify the auction period to 5 days. Wait for someone to purchase.

    4. When the auction has simply over 12 hours left, go in to the auction and revise the auction duration to 7 days. Wait for somebody to buy.

    5. When the auction has just over 12 hours left, enter to the auction and revise the auction duration to 10 days. (Don't forget this will cost you a small cost on eBay.com) Wait for somebody to buy.

    6. The auction concludes naturally.

    This may look complex, but it isn't actually once you get the hang of it. Of course, at any point throughout the above process somebody might buy your product and your auction closes automatically. If you have another of the same or similar product to offer, you can re-list it.

    f) Fixed Price auctions - Multiple Items.

    With a Fixed Price auction for numerous products, I would suggest you set the auction period to the optimum - 10 days, or 7 days if you're not prepared to take in the additional fee on eBay.com.

    When you have several items it is not a good idea to utilize the tactic described above for Fixed Price single product auctions. This is because as soon as you receive a quote (in this case it would be a Fixed Price sale), you are not able to modify the auction period although you may have much of the numerous products still to sell.

    If you sell all your items within your chosen 7 or 10 days, then the auction closes immediately anyhow.

    g) Value Based Formula.

    If you are better using a value based formula in setting your auction duration, here is my guideline for products that I have not tried to offer prior to:.

    If you're offering products which from experience you understand will absolutely be bought at acceptable rates, then you can lower the period.

    I hope this outline of picking the very best auction duration proves useful to you.

    Lots of online game gamers invest a lot of time and effort getting their game characters rare and valuable items. These are usually described as virtual products. Due to the fact that of their value, some gamers want to pay a great deal of money to get them, or wish to earn money by selling them. However for eBay users, buying and offering these items is not enabled. In this guide you'll discover what is and isn't allowed when it concerns noting your game goods on eBay and other locations.


    Virtual items consists of the following: game currency, video game items and game accounts/characters. Essentially, if you utilize it in the game or if it just exists in the video game it is a virtual product. Normally, game developers maintain the rights to all of the in-game items. (Remember that big list of 'terms' you agreed to when you installed the software application? That was the video game designer informing you the game things is theirs and not yours.) No matter how much time you spend playing the video game or how much you pay in membership fees, you, as a gamer, are usually thought about a tenant of these virtual products, not an owner. That is why selling or buying game gold from online services can get you prohibited from the game. (See this guide for reasons it's a bad idea to buy game gold online. Though the guide covers Runescape gold, it is generally suitable to most online video games.).


    In January, 2007, eBay started eliminating all virtual product listings. The sale of such items is forbidden and anyone violating this policy can discover their account limited or suspended.

    Why is the sale of virtual items forbidden? The brief response is due to the fact that

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