Here is an article about The Dhul Hajj Virtues, Things to Do in the First 10 Days of Zill Hajj that our travel company offers with the umrah packages manchester. One of the most important months in Islam is the month of Dhul Hajj. This month is both Eid al-Adha and Hajj. Dhul Hajj is the last month of the Islamic calendar. It is a time to remember the sacrifices made by Ibrahim A.S. and his son Ismail A.S. During this holy month, Muslims go to Saudi Arabia for Hajj and Eid al-Adha. During Eid al-Adha, they sacrifice animals for the pleasure of Allah Almighty.
With the start of this holy month, Muslims from all over the world started their pilgrimage to Mecca, which they only do once in their lives. During the first ten days of Dhul Hajj, people who can't do Hajj can still do some special things. These ten days are the most important of the year, and we should make the most of them if we can't go on pilgrimage. We don't know if we'll make it to the next Dhul Hajj, so we should make the most of these days by doing something different each day.
Our beloved Prophet PBUH said that a good deed done in the first ten days of Al-Adha is the best in Allah's eyes and will be rewarded the most. It was asked, "Not even Jihad for Allah's sake?" Not even Jihad for Allah's sake, the Prophet (PBUH) said, unless a person goes out on Jihad himself with all of his wealth and doesn't come back with anything. Here are some ways to worship Almighty Allah during the first 10 days of Dhul Hajj, which are considered to be blessed.
Do the rituals of Hajj and Umrah
Without a doubt, the best thing you can do is to do Umrah and Hajj on these special days. Abu Hurairah R.A said that the Prophet PBUH was asked which way of living is better. Belief in Allah and His Messenger, he said. Then what?, they asked him. He said, "Jihad for God's sake." Then what?, they asked him. He said that it was a good Hajj.
The best time to fast is during the first nine days of the Hajj. We should try to fast for the whole nine days leading up to Eid al-Adha, since it is forbidden to fast on the day of Eid. If you can't fast for all nine days, the ninth day of Dhul Hajj is the day you should fast. Because the Prophet (PBUH) told us to do good things during Ramadan, and fasting is one of the best.
Give charity
This holy month of Dhul Hajj has extra benefits that you can take advantage of by giving to charity. No matter how much we give, we should always remember that whoever gives to Allah's cause gets back more than they gave. Use this month to start giving to charity, even if it's just a small amount.
Sacrifice an Animal
Sacrificing an animal is one of the good things a person can do to get closer to Allah Almighty during these ten great days. A sacrifice of an animal brings back the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). He A.S. was willing to do anything for Allah Almighty, even give up his beloved son as a sacrifice, and he did everything Allah told him to do.
Make repentance
Allah likes people who really ask for forgiveness and submit to Him. Be sorry for your wrongdoings and disobedience, and promise Allah that you will never do them again. Hajj is obligatory to whom who can afford but if you wish to perform the Hajj and do not afford the Hajj. Umrah 2023 is the best option to avail from Baitullah Travel. These packages of Umrah are cheaper as compare to the Hajj Packages.