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Importance of Reciting Talbiyah In Islam

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    Umrah is a pilgrimage that Muslims are expected to do. But the rewards and spiritual meaning it has for the pilgrims make it a very important place. Because of this, every year tens of millions of Muslims use their umrah packages uk to go there.

    As one of the many parts of umrah, reciting the Talbiyah is also something to think about.

    Meaning of Talbiyah

    Talbiyah is a devotional prayer that pilgrims continue to say during Hajj or Umrah, after they have decided to enter the state of Ihram. During the pilgrimage, either Hajj or Umrah, Talbiyah is often recited.

    When to Recite Talbiyah?

    Pilgrims should say Talbiyah as much as possible during the Hajj and Umrah ceremonies. It's best to read all the time, whether you're standing, sitting, walking, driving, lying down, or even in a minor or major state of impurity.

    Also, Talbiyah should be said whenever there is a change in time or place.

    When the night or day changes, or when dawn or dusk comes
    When getting into or out of a car or plane. When meeting a group of pilgrims.

    After Salah
    But you should remember that the Talbiyah should be said at least three or more times.

    When shouldn't Talbiyah be read?

    1. You shouldn't say Talbiyah during the Tawaf or Sayee rituals.
    2. Hajj pilgrims must keep saying the Talbiyah until the Jamarat-al-Aqaba is stoned, which happens on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah or just before the Tawaf-al-Ziyarath, if that is what they choose to do first.
    3. Pilgrims who are doing the rituals of Umrah should stop saying Talbiyah right before they start the Tawaf of Umrah.

    How important Talbiyah is

    A statement that God Almighty hears

    Talbiyah is an affirmation that ALLAH, the most powerful god, hears every pilgrim's Dua, or prayer. A believer will say "Labbaik" (which means "here I am") to Allah Almighty, who can hear and see everything, and Allah will surely answer.

    Getting close to Allah the Most High

    Talbiyah means getting closer to Allah Almighty, because the word "Talbiyah" comes from the root "Al-ilbaab," which means "establishing" or "seeking closeness."

    It is a sign of Tauheed

    Talbiyah is still a sign of Tauheed and the faith of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), as well as the spirit and goal of Hajj. Talbiyah has many wonderful benefits, and it also has the key to Jannah (Paradise) and the door to Islam, which are used to get into Jannah and Islam. This is also what Surah Al-Ikhlas says, showing that Allah Almighty doesn't have any partners; he is the only one.

    So, if you are planning to go on the Hajj or Umrah Packages 2023 UK in the next few months, you should learn about the rules of Talbiyah and how to say it correctly. So, it won't say anything wrong when it speaks.

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