Recent Entries

  • In New World, players will use each other to ban and win the wa

    It is very common in some multiplayer games: get enough behavior reports in a short period of time and automatically be banned.This is a mature system abused in a highly competitive MMO, and the new world seems to have a particularly vicious outbreak. The combination of winner-takes-all rewards and ...
  • What is the experience of playing New World alone?

    New World is a game where multiple people team up to play, but if the player has no friends or clans to join, check. Can you still have fun? Can you improve?I tried playing this game alone in New World. I found that a game seems to seldom limit what I can do without a group of players. When I need o...
  • Amazon's misleading news about the transfer of the New World re

    Amazon has already begun to allow New World players to transfer their characters to servers in different regions. Last week, after the explosive release of New World, Amazon asked players to join the server with a shorter waiting time because it is committed to increasing the population ceiling of e...