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    Finpecia is a generic brand for the drug finasteride and comes in 1mg form. Helps in reducing male pattern baldness or MPB. The cause of male pattern baldness is Dht. When you start taking finpecia the level of DHT reduces and the growth of the hair on the scalp increases. Buy Finpecia online at Truedermo.com.


    What is finasteride?
    Finasteride is anti-androgen. It belongs to a group of medications called 5-alpha reductase. It stimulates and reduces the production of the DHT hormone causing hair loss in men by 70%. Dihydrotestosterone is the hormone found in men which converted from testosterone. The hormone DHT is potent and gets accumulated in the scalp causing hair loss. It is prescribed in various conditions including enlarged prostate treatment. Buy Finpecia 1 mg online at Truedermo.com.

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    How to use Finpecia?
    It has the active ingredient finasteride in a 1mg tablet form available in the oral form. Take the tablet with one glass of water. You have to take the tablet daily at the same time. As long as you keep taking Finpecia you will be able to stop the hair loss further and able to maintain it. You have to also use Minoxidil for enhancing your hair growth.

    Using finasteride for hair loss
    Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. The enzyme 5-alpha reductase converts free testosterone to the more potent, stable hormone called dihydrotestosterone. Dihydrotestosterone is an androgen that gets deposited on the scalp causing shrinkage of hair follicles. Dht is a hormone essential for men. Yet it causes MPB.

    To bring more growth, use Minoxidil it will bring hair growth.

    Finpecia 1 mg tablet for enlarged prostate
    An enlarged prostate is a condition in which the prostate size gets increased causing an inability to pass urine easily causing obstruction. With one tablet of finasteride 1 mg the growth of prostate stops

    Controlling prostate cancer cell growth
    Prostate cancer is a condition in which abnormal cells keep on growing in the prostate. Cancer can progress into the lymph. With 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors, the patients are able to control the progression of the cancer cells.

    Reduction of facial hair in a woman
    Finpecia is one of the prescriptions prescribed to a woman with an acute facial hair condition. The anti-androgen drug stops the progression of the facial hair caused by higher androgens. Androgens are the hormone found in man. Women are able to stop the growth by up to 73% according to recent studies.

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    Where to buy finasteride 1 mg tablet online?
    Order Finpecia 1 mg, a generic brand for finasteride manufactured by Cipla at TrueDermo.

    Side effects
    Decreased Libido
    Erectile Dysfunction
    Pain in testicles
    Increased high-grade prostate cancer
    Reduction in the size of the penis
    Reduced in ejaculation

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