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Do Smart Door Locks Need Wi-Fi?

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    Do Smart Door Locks Need Wi-Fi?


    The era of manual locks is being phased out as the smart home technology revolution changes the way we interact with our home environment. Smart locks are keyless digital locks that are rapidly gaining popularity in homes around the world and are now considered an integral part of smart home security systems. But, like other smart devices, do smart locks require Wi-Fi to work? Why do smart locks need Wi-Fi?To get more news about high security lock systems, you can visit securamsys.com official website.

    Why do smart locks need Wi-Fi?
    A Wi-Fi connection allows you to access your smart lock remotely. This makes it possible for you to lock and unlock your door from anywhere, be it from work or inside your home. A Wi-Fi connection allows you to monitor your door activities using your smart lock-dedicated app.

    WiFi-enabled Smart Locks
    WiFi-enabled smart locks are controlled and managed via WiFi connectivity to some degree. It's suitable for those seeking integration capabilities as the lock's functions are further enhanced when connected to the Internet.

    Non-WiFi-enabled Smart Locks
    Non-WiFi-enabled locks usually incorporate the Bluetooth protocol. This helps connect the lock to your smartphone, allowing both devices to communicate with each other. Its features, functions and performance aren't affected by an Internet connection.

    How to Connect Smart Lock Wifi?
    In most cases, configuring a separate guest network can be done easily via your Wi-Fi router.

    Please note that the configuration may vary slightly depending on the router model and manufacturer used. You can find a customized guide for your model in the manual of your router. Alternatively, search for the specific instructions on the Internet using the model name.

    Open the settings of your router
    Enter the IP address of your router in the URL bar of your browser. You can find the address in the user manual of your router. Many manufacturers offer their own smartphone apps with which you can read out these settings.

    Enter username and password in the dialog box
    If you have not changed your username and password in the past, you can usually find the data in the manual of your router. Note: We recommend to always change the data and to use a password manager to increase security.

    Enable the guest network
    In the router settings (usually in the "Wi-Fi" section) you will find the option "Guest access", "Allow guest network" or "Set up guest network". Activate this option and add the name of the guest network (SSID). Refer to the router's manual if necessary. Of course, you can also find the exact way to configure the guest network on the Internet using the model name of your router.

    Make sure that the guest network is configured correctly
    \u25cfChoose a name ("SSID") for your guest network and set up a password. Select "WPA2" as encryption standard.
    \u25cfMake sure that the "Allow guest access to local network resources" checkbox (or similar) is unchecked. On some routers, only the "Isolate" checkbox is available: check it to isolate the guest network from your local network.

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