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the right bed for you because we care

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    Modern Technology for Health

    When there are health problems, the body and mind movements of the person are restricted or they cannot work efficiently. As a result of this, when a person who meets all his needs alone while he is healthy, has a health problem, it may even become impossible to breathe without technical support. In these and similar situations, medical science, equipped with modern technology,  comes to the rescue of the person who has a health problem. Patient beds have been designed and put into use in a wide area in order to meet the basic needs of patients, people with permanent or temporary disabilities, during their health problems, and to shorten the care and treatment processes by facilitating them . As a plus, the life of patients and those responsible for their care has become much easier compared to the past.

    Patient Bed Statement

    hasta yatağı is one of the most frequently used expressions among the public. In addition, the term bedstead is often used instead of a bed, and a sickbed is used instead of a patient bed. Both statements are true and Emek bedstead is synonymous with the services it offers. The patient bed is an advanced medical equipment used in the treatment of patients in health centers, and is also used for people who need constant care at home. These beds have the ability to move both automatically and manually and are very practical for both the patient and the caregivers when cleaning the patient and fulfilling other care conditions. In this way, patient care is carried out both easily and in a quality way.

    Models Suitable for Disease

    Since the patient beds produced by our company are shaped according to the needs, we have many different model options. For example, in accordance with the needs of pediatric patients, our patient hasta yatağı bed model has been put into service in sizes suitable for their body sizes. Apart from this, we have air mattress models that can move manually, provide automatic use with electric motors, enable the patient to meet their needs without moving from the bed with the potty apparatus, and adapt perfectly to the home look with their wooden edges . There are three different versions in our air patient bed model; It is tubular, diamond-shaped and ventilated inflatable mattress. All of our beds can be easily moved in the hospital and home environment with their wheeled structures.

    Patient bed models are at the service of patients and their relatives with their different qualities. The unique difficulties of the diseases necessitate a much more advanced support in some cases. For example, a patient with paralysis will begin to develop bedsores in his limbs, which are constantly sweating due to inability to move and are crushed by body weight. The way to prevent this is to move the patient regularly. However, since it is very difficult for a person to do this at the desired level and continuously, our air mattress model performs this operation at the desired level and automatically. In the same way, our electric motorized bed models, also known as electric beds, can be moved by means of a remote control.

    Do Hospital Bed Prices Fit My Budget?

    Patient beds are highly advanced medical devices and equipment. In addition to this sophistication, it is very easy to use and functional, which makes it indispensable. In addition to being an excellent solution for the health of patients, the bed is also very easy to clean. These and other features will undoubtedly determine the price of the hasta yatağı  . The comfort of use of the bed is very advantageous for the patient as well as for the people who take care of the patient. In addition, in cases where the bed is not needed all the time, but is sought as an urgent need for a certain period of time , the wonderful features offered by the bed will be easily available by making use of the patient bed rental service, without incurring the purchase price.

    Patient Bed Dimensions

    When buying a patient bed, it is preferred that it is of good quality and durability. Along with all these factors, compliance with quality standards is among the important issues. Patient beds must be suitable for the body size of the inpatient. Although there are some changes, the ideal bed dimensions are also determined by the standards. Here, the concepts of width, height and ground clearance are also important factors. While it should be 1.90 cm in length and 90 cm in width, a measure of 40 cm was determined for the height from the ground. These dimensions are the average bed dimensions. Average bed sizes are calculated by calculating the average height for men and women. A bed below these dimensions will not be accepted.

    Home Type Hospital Beds

    Hospital beds are common in hospitals and other medical centers. For this reason, it is thought that these beds belong only to such places and can only be used by expert personnel in these places. Patient beds are not only used in hospitals, but can be used easily in homes for both temporary treatment and permanent care services if desired. With its remote control and visual instructions showing its use, it allows even a child to guide it easily. However, for those who do not want to have a hospital look in their home, decorative models with box bases and wooden borders are also used, and they have a harmonious appearance with other items in the house.

    Model Selection According to Discomfort

    When the hospital bed becomes a necessity, things to do are carried out on a specific plan. For example, beds in hospitals and health centers are pre-purchased and advanced beds for general ailments, while beds purchased for home use are generally considered for life-long use, so the needs of the patient themselves are carefully researched. Considering this situation, our company has adopted the principle of design according to needs in bed models. Among the models produced with this understanding; We have air patient beds , an automatic model with electric motors and a control, a model with an elevator and an upgradeable model, a patient bed with a wooden border and ABS head for a decorative look for use at home.

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