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  • What-Color-of-Roses-to-Choose-to-Give-For-Valentines-Day

    Surely more than once you have wanted to send a beautiful bouquet or bouquet of precious roses during Valentine's Day and you have stopped doing it because you do not know what color to choose. And whether you want to send flowers to that special someone who already has your heart in love or someone...
  • 5 tips for working mothers when buying a house

    Today's working mothers make many important decisions at home, and often that choice consists precisely of embarking on the path to achieving the dream of giving up renting and owning their own home. If you have set that goal for yourself, we have 5 tips from Karla Bayly, a financial consu...
  • What is a reverse mortgage? Everything you need to know about a

    According to the OECD Global Pension Panorama report , Mexico is the OECD member country with the lowest replacement rate, which is reflected in insufficient pensions for millions of retired Mexicans. Given this, some alternatives arise, such as the reversible mortgage, whic...
  • Are Yoga Live Streaming Classes the Future Wave?

    In the lotus position on the table in the office, a young man sits. He relaxes from work and with his eyes closed, meditates. Through the glass, the view is.  Fitness classes for groups aren't for everyone. There are those of us who think of the energy of practicing with others, but there are ...
  • What are the clauses of the contract for the sale of a house?

    The property sale contract is one of the most important that you are going to sign. Here we tell you the clauses that you must include. The clauses of a property sales contract can be confusing and difficult to read, but this does not mean that you should accept everything they say without rea...