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    He Sleeps in a Storm

    Spoilers Alert – The following is a parody, only to draw more attention, deservedly so, towards and appreciate the contribution of cyber security experts to the overall security posture of organizations.

    During the days when Cyber Security skill demand outstripped the supply, a young man sought employment as a Cyber Security Expert at a Cyber Security firm. He even handed a recommendation letter to his interviewer that read, “He sleeps during a cyber-attack.” The Talent Acquisition person desperately needed to fill the position, so he hired the young man despite his enigmatic letter of recommendation.

    Several weeks passed and, in the middle of the night, the news of a powerful Ransomware attack was making rounds and a customer of the Cyber Security Firm was a potential target. Awakened by the news, the firm CEO jumped out of bed. He called his new employee, but the man was sound asleep. The CEO dashed to Security Operations Center (SOC) and to his amazement, the network traffic was normal, all the web applications functioned normally. He hurried to the ecommerce servers console, only to see that all the transactions were going on smoothly. He ran to the database server console. Everything was securely backed up and encrypted. All the OS patches and policies were up to date.

    And then the CEO understood, “He sleeps in a storm.”

    “My friends, if we tend to the things that are important to secure your enterprise networks, data, cloud, apps, and if we are right with the choice of technology and people and processes, we enforce the security policies, our lives will not be cursed with the aching throb of a cyber-attack and its ugly aftermath. Our Information Systems will always be available and secure. We will never wallow in the agony of “We could have, We should have.” We can sleep during a Cyber-attack.

    From Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom, taken from a sermon by the Reb - Rabbi Albert Lewis

    A man seeks employment on a farm. He hands his letter of recommendation to his new employer. It reads simply, ‘He sleeps in a storm.’

    The owner is desperate for help, so he hires the man. Several weeks pass, and suddenly, in the middle of the night, a powerful storm rips through the valley.
    Awakened by the swirling rain and howling wind, the owner leaps out of bed. He calls for his new hired hand, but the man is sleeping soundly. So he dashes off to the barn. He sees, to his amazement, that the animals are secure with plenty of feed.
    He runs out to the field. He sees the bales of wheat have been bound and are wrapped in tarpaulins.
    He races to the silo. The doors are latched, and the grain is dry.
    And then he understands, ‘He sleeps in a storm’.
    My friends, if we tend to the things that are important in life, if we are right with those we love and behave in line with our faith, our lives will not be cursed with the aching throb of unfulfilled business. Our words will always be sincere, our embraces will be tight. We will never wallow in the agony of ‘I could have, I should have.’ We can sleep in a storm.
    And when it’s time. Our good-byes will be complete.

    As mentioned in the spoilers alert, the above is a satire on an extract from Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom, taken from a sermon by the Reb - Rabbi Albert Lewis.

    Real life and its experiences, be it from faith or those seeking spirituality, inspire businesses and can go a long way in making sure the businesses achieve what they are set out to.

    Cyber Security Services from Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) are for a focused operation that requires skills that are quite different from what an organization’s core and critical operations require; therefore, it makes absolute sense to leave it to those who run it as their core business, so that you can sleep peacefully.

    The right blend of People and Processes & Technology (PPT) helps manage utilization of resources and achieve operational efficiency avoiding the trap of alert fatigue that most enterprises face when managing security in silos.

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