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    What is Keto diet 2023 | Food To Eat By LearnWithNutritionist

    byKaynat Rana Certified Dietician and Nutritionist.-March 19, 2023


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    Ketogenic diet

    Keto or Ketogenic diet was firstly introduced in 1920s by physicians in France. This was introduced for treatment of epilepsy. As, most of us know that epilepsy which is neurological disorder characterized by abnormal brain activity which leads to seizures and loss of consciousness. Ketogenic diet basically involves high fat intake and very low calories from carbohydrates and proteins. Approximately 80 to 90% of fats are included and leftover for other macronutrients. Other healthy options for weight loss are also available. healthy weight loss tips


    Why Ketogenic diet is very popular:

    Ketogenic has gained a lot of importance this is mainly because of celebrities. Celebrities are fitness freak and they are obsessed with their zero sized figures. They like it because it can help to lose weight and maintain figure very easily. Due to increasing trends of Ketogenic diets Dieticians and nutritionist avail this opportunity and promotes it among common people. It is because people love to follow what celebrities are doing.

    Foods to eat:

    Foods include in Ketogenic diet are:

    Red meat:

    Red meat is termed as red because it is red in color when in raw form.

    Sources of Red meat include; pork, steak, ground meat, goat, mutton, beef and lamb. Red meat is rich source of vitamin B12 also called cobalamin. Vitamin B12 is water soluble vitamin so it can easily travel through bloodstreams. It helps in proper functioning or brain, nerves and blood vessels. It also maintains homocysteine levels in body and proper functioning of heart. Red meat is recommended in Keto diet because B12 present in it helps in energy production, boost up metabolism, help in cognitive support and support immune system.

    For More Information Please Visit : https://www.learnwithnutritionist409.com/


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