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PPC vs. SEO: When to Utilise Which Search Marketing Method for

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    Web traffic is the lifeblood of every online business. An online company's success depends heavily on how much traffic it can create for its sites. However, what is under much discussion is PPC vs. SEO, two of the most potent ways to generate traffic. PPC means pay per click and SEO stands for search engine optimisation.

    While their final objective is the same, they are separate concepts requiring various approaches and techniques. Both ways are efficient in leading visitors to a website. You can also contact professional SEO services in Cape Town for a consultation about their processes.

    When would be the Best Time to Utilise SEO?

    SEO is a collection of strategies intended to drive a website to the first page of search engines. SEO is highly crucial for all types of online businesses as 80% of the traffic that can be generated for any website comes from search engines. Google, with more than 3.5 billion searches per day, is certainly the largest search engine. Thus, most SEO strategies aim for this search engine.

    So, when are you supposed to implement SEO techniques? There are some instances below in which SEO might benefit an online business.

    • If you Want to Create an Authority Site

    An authority website is a developed resource centre for a specific niche. It is a website where members of a specific niche want information. The proper way to develop an authority website is by generating sustained traffic on your pages and eventually developing a reputation until it is sufficient to lead its market. Hence, to generate the required traffic in an authority site, you can use proper SEO planning.

    • When you Require Consistent Results

    The gestation time for SEO is rather long. The search engine results on the top page will not occur overnight or even within a week. It will take time to reach the top of the SERPs. However, you will get continuous traffic after your website reaches these positions via SEO.

    What would be the Best Time to Utilise PPC?

    A pay-per-click mode is a form of advertising on the search engine’s result page. Basically, when someone puts in a query with your keywords, you want to get your advertisements in the sponsored results. Some of the major PPC platforms include Bing Ads, Google Ads (AdWords) and Facebook's advertising platform.

    So, when are you supposed to implement PPC techniques? Below are some instances in which PPC might benefit an online business.

    • When You Require Immediate Results

    PPC is going to provide results quickly. The reason for this is because when your PPC campaign is authorised, your advertisements will be shown instantly for millions of people to view if the bids are high enough to be given priority placement. You can get traffic almost immediately.

    • If You Want to Promote a Time-Sensitive Deal

    It is always a race against time to market items, services, or events with expiration. The expediency of PPC marketing would be great for these time-sensitive offerings.


    These are some circumstances in which one marketing approach or another can be preferred. But to be specific, both PPC and SEO are important factors for the growth of your business.

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