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The US Army and the High Tech Enemy Cyberpunk Hazard

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    Our federal government, businesses, hire a hacker to change school grades, framework and also armed forces all rely on computers to run reliable as well as successfully, thus it makes sense that these computer system IT systems are a best target of our enemies. Among the basic renters of war is to interfere with the adversary and placed them right into the "fog" of battle, making it difficult to see what they are doing, making them blind, this gives the attacker or strike compel the advantage. Well, you can see why our opponents are aiming to infiltrate and also collapse this vulnerable part of our armed force.


    Below are a number of current headings of April 2009, dealing with simply the severity of this problem. This must work as a wake-up call to upgrade our computer system safety and security now and also to go on the offensive versus our enemies that strike us randomly, however with enhancing regularity;.

    Computer with sensitive info on the JSF High Tech Stealth Competitor hacked.

    This is truly terrifying taking into consideration the Chinese are additionally establishing a copy-cat kind airplane to take on the JSF and the Chinese have actually sold weapons to numerous of the United States' existing adversaries such as Iran. Iran is likewise pleasant with North Korea, Russia, Venezuela, as well as Syria. Pakistan is also on the market for even more armed forces equipment as well as a client for Chinese weapons. If everyone has 5th generation aircraft, it could be time to skip-hop technologies to sixth generation, and also you would certainly be amazed, no blown away at what remains in the pipeline currently.

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    Authorities and Security Master claims we better determine a method to strike hacker gangs.

    Government IT experts appear to agree that the US needs to track down the global hacker gangs available, wherever they are, which such a strike team must be rapid and also able to take on these people to safeguard our nationwide security and economic facilities needs. Everyone appears to be stressed as well as completely factor with an "Electronic Pearl Harbor or Electronic 911.".

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