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    Data-backed insights on highlighted snippet optimization

    Around one-fifth of all keywords activate a highlighted snippet

    99 percent of all featured bits tend to appear within the first organic position and take control of 50% of the screen on mobile devices, driving higher-than-average click-through rates (CTR).

    The secret to featured snippet optimization depends on a couple of specific locations: long-tail- and question-like keyword strategy, date significant material that comes at the best length and format, and a concise URL structure.

    Google has always been quite hazy on any details about winning featured snippets. This held true when they were initially presented, making them something services considered to be the cherry on top of their SEO efforts, which is still mainly the case. Having first-hand knowledge about the worth and power of featured bits, Brado partnered with Semrush to carry out the most thorough research around included snippet optimization to reveal how they actually work, and what you can do to win them.

    Exposing the highlights from a Featured bits research study that evaluated over a million SERPs with featured bits present, this post unwraps actionable recommendations on amping up your optimization strategy to finally win that Google prize.

    General patterns throughout the featured bit landscape.

    With billions of search inquiries run through the Google search box each day, our study discovered that around 19 percent of keywords activate a highlighted snippet. Why does this even matter? Included snippets are understood to drive higher CTR-- as another research study discovered, they are accountable for over 35 percent of all clicks.

    Additional proving the immense power of featured snippets, our research study revealed that they use up over 50 percent of the SERP's real estate on mobile screens.

    Integrate this with our findings that 99 percent of the time featured bits take control of the very first organic position, which they are in a lot of cases triggered by long-tail keywords (suggesting particular user intent), and you'll get the factor behind exceptionally high CTR numbers.

    Are some industries most likely to set off highlighted snippets?

    In the research study, we defined markets by keyword categories, finding that, undoubtedly, featured snippet volume is inconsistent across various sections.

    The leading industry, seeing an included bit in 62 percent of all cases, is Travel and Computer System & Electronics, followed by Arts & Entertainment (59 percent), and Science (54 percent), while Property keywords lag behind all the rest with only 11 percent of keywords triggering an included snippet.

    featured bit optimization insights on keyword classifications that set off.

    On a domain level, the industry breakdown differs a little, with Health and News websites having similar highlighted snippet volumes.

    You can discover the full market breakdown within the research study.

    Included bits are all about makes, not wins.

    Just hoping your material will win you a featured bit isn't enough-- as our study revealed, it's everything about hard-earned material optimization results.

    1. Optimize for long-tail keywords and concerns.

    When it comes to optimization and keywords, employ 'the more the much better' reasoning.

    Our study discovered that 55.5 percent of highlighted snippets were activated by 10-word keywords, while single-word ones only showed up 4.3 percent of the time.

    One thing even better than long-tails is concerns. In fact, 29 percent of keywords setting off an included snippet start with concern words-- "why" (78 percent), "can" (72 percent), "do" (67 percent), and in the least cases, "where" (19 percent).

    included snippet optimization insights on question keywords that activate.

    2. Use the right content length and format.

    The SERPs we examined consisted of 4 kinds of highlighted snippet: paragraphs, lists, tables, and videos:.

    70 percent of the results showed paragraphs, with an average of 42 words and 249 characters.

    Lists was available in as the second-most-frequent featured snippet (19 percent), with an average of 6 product counts and 44 words.

    Tables (6 percent) typically included five rows and two columns.

    Videos, whose typical duration stood at 6:39 mins, showed up in just 4.6 percent of all cases.

    Obviously, don't blindly follow this data as the golden rule, rather see it as an excellent beginning point for featured-snippet-minded content optimization.

    Plus, remember that content quality always dominates quantity, so if you have a high-performing piece that features a 10-row table, Google will merely cut it down, revealing the blue "More rows" link, which can even boost your CTR.

    3. Don't overcomplicate your URL structure.

    As it turns out, URL length matters in Google's option of a website that is worthy of a highlighted snippet. Attempt to stick to neat site architecture, with 1-3 subfolders per URL, and you'll be more likely to win.

    Just for reference, here is an More helpful hints example of a URL with 3 subfolders:.


    4. Make frequent material updates.

    In the "to include or not to add a post date" issue, based upon our featured bit analysis, we 'd recommend that you publish date-marked material.

    Most of Google's featured bits consist of an article date, with the following breakdown: 47 percent of list-type highlighted bits come from date-marked content, paragraphs-- 44 percent, videos-- 20 percent, and tables-- 19 percent of the time.

    While fresh-out-of-the-oven content can be preferred by Google, 70 percent of all content making it into the included snippet was anywhere from two to three years old (2018, 2019, 2020), implying once again that content quality matters more than recency, so you shouldn't stress that putting a date on it will work against you.

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