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Understanding The Seven Chakras

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    In traditional Indian medicine, the term "chakra"—which translates to "wheel" or "vortex" in Sanskrit—refers to the "force centres" of the human body. According to practitioners, our body contains seven master chakras that extend from the top of our heads to the base of our spines. According to this theory, your body has subtle energies that are connected to your physical and emotional wellness but that may be disturbed by external factors like stress. It is believed that it is possible to realign your energies in seven key areas and improve your general welfare by manipulating these energies with crystals.

    Here are the seven chakras and information on what each is believed to represent:

    Head Chakra

    Your head's crown chakra is situated there or just above it. It is said to be connected to your spiritual self, your creativity, and your imagination. If it isn't working properly, it may show up as sadness, OCD-like symptoms, and disorientation. It is said that crystals like amethyst, ametrine, and danburite can assist this Chakra alignment.

    Third Eye/Brow Chakra

    The equilibrium, sinuses, and focus are all said to be related to your brow chakra, which is situated in the middle of your forehead. If you experience headaches and vision issues, you can identify the reason and fix it by utilizing crystals like celestite and fluorite.

    Mouth Chakra

    The throat chakra is believed to be primarily connected to communication. Crystals like Angelite and amazonite are said to be able to treat conditions including asthma, physical issues with your neck, and difficulty expressing your emotions.

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    Coronary Chakra

    Your heart and chest, as well as emotions like love, understanding, and forgiving, are all directly related to this chakra. There is a claim that crystals like Atlantisite and Emerald may treat conditions including lung illness, high blood pressure, and issues with the arms and hands.

    Coronary Chakra

    You may find this chakra between your ribs and belly button. It has to do with your stomach, your digestive system, your confidence, your sense of humor, and other things. Moonstone and quartz crystals can aid with issues including allergies, poor self-esteem, and stomach ulcers.

    Nava/Sacral Chakra

    The fluids in your body as well as strength and creativity are most frequently connected to this chakra. Chakra jewelry crystals like amber and rhodochrosite should be used to treat issues with anxiety and guilt as well as bladder issues. Candles with aromatherapy are a wonderful way to unwind and expand your chakras.

    Bottom Chakra

    At the base of your spine is where your base chakra is located. Your neurological system, as well as your vigor and patience, are under its influence. Constipation and bone issues should be helped by crystals like garnet and haematite.

    If you want to shop for the best 7 chakra jewellery, visit Rudrakshabeads.Org.

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