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4 Most Common Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Adolescents

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    Sexually transmitted infections are on the rise among adolescents, and the most common ones include any of them. Read on to know about the most common sexually transmitted infections among adolescents.

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

    HIV when gotten by an individual and left untreated, enters the complicated stage known as AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). AIDS is therefore brought about by HIV and according to CDC statistics taken in 2019, between age 13 and 18, there are about 56,000 infected young people in the United States.

    HIV remains one of the top leading sexually transmitted infections and it is gotten through having unprotected sex with an infected person. Another way of contracting the infection is by sharing or using an infected needle during the injection of a drug.

    Patients suffering from AIDS need to take care of themselves as opportunistic infections are looking for ways to penetrate. Somesymptoms include night sweats, headache,fatigue, appetite loss, weight loss, etc.


    It is an infection caused by the organism Chlamydia trachomatis. It is one of the leading bacteria-based STIs that is transmitted through having unprotected sex with an infected person. It spreads well during oral, anal, and vagina sex and can also be transmitted during childbirth.

    Chlamydia when dictated can be treated using the right antibiotics but when left untreated can result in heavy complications. Its complication can be seen whereby the reproductive system of the woman is damaged and can render both sexes infertile. Chlamydia is one of the most potent STIs responsible for infertility in marriages.

    Some of the common signs and symptoms of it include bleeding in between periods, pain in the lower abdomen, and a tiny pain sensation while urinating.


    Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhea and it is a disease condition that affects the vagina, anus, and throat of the individual as a result of having unprotected sex with an infected person.

    Gonorrhea can be life-threatening when left untreated as it can damage the reproductive system of the woman and for the man can result in urethral stricture that leaves the man in pain. However, when detected early, the use of the right antibiotics will help in its treatment.

    Most often it present no symptoms but incase it does, symptoms such as discharge from either the penis or vagina, pain during urination, bleeding in between periods, and swelling of the genitals should be observed.


    This is one silent life-threatening bacteria disease that most are unaware of and caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. It is caused by having unprotected oral, anal, or vagina sex with an infected person. It normally presents with a sore on the mouth, lips, anus, penis, or vagina of the infected person and it can be comfortably transmitted from a mother to the unborn baby during childbirth.

    Syphilis occurs in 4 stages which are characterized by an open painless sore on the genitals in the first stage. The second stage is characterized by non-itchy red-like spots or rashes on the skin usually on the hands and feet. In the third stage which is often referred to as the latent stage, the bacteria is in the bloodstream causing more havoc in the system. The final stage comes with life-threatening complications such as brain damage, nervous disorders leading to paralysis, organ damage, and in most cases death.

    Earlier detection by conducting an STD test will help in its management and treatment. Penicillin remains the best line of antibiotics for the treatment of syphilis.


    A careful observation of any of the aforementioned symptoms followed by a confirmation via conducting an STI test will help in the treatment of bacteria-related STIs. However, the viral STIs, abstinence remains the best option.


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