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Religion of Sri Lanka

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    The Sinhalese people also known as the sinhala Brides people come from the tiny island in the Indian Ocean called Sri Lanka or Ceylon. It is a beautiful country with beautiful people. There are two main ethnic groups on the island along with numerous others. The main languages they speak are Sinhala spoken by the Sinhala people and Tamil spoken by the Tamils of Sri Lanka. The majority group is the Sinhala people that comprises of 75% of the people of Sri Lanka. The majority of the people of island are Buddhists in particular Theravada Buddhists which is considered as the oldest of the Buddhist schools and the closest of teachings of the Buddha. Other places where this school is practiced include Southeast Asia (countries such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand) and Vietnam.

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    Religion is so varied in Sri Lanka due to several histories the land had endured during its path. Most of them are Theravada Buddhists. Other minimal population includes the Hindus, muslins and the Roman Catholics. In this nation Hinduism and Buddhism seems to join hands. Either religion people visit the temple of the other. Special allowances are given to Buddhist as the constitution of Sri Lanka says that the rules of Sri Lanka are bound with those of the Buddhist monastic order (sangha).

    Formal education is right in the tradition of Sri Lanka. As Buddhism was long established in the country, Buddhist monks instructed both the writings and reading skills. Most of the skill set was passed down generations to the kids rather than from outside. Hence, most of the people stuck to their own occupation for quite some time. Sometimes Sinhalese people send their children on apprenticeships to skilled artisan so that their child gets to learn a different occupation from the skilled artisan. It is quite interesting to see the colorful religion, culture, occupation and civilization of a small nation.

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