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The Code of Conduct on Marriage Proposal Websites

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    Ever since they became widely available, marriage proposal websites have gained a lot of popularity. However, with the large number of users also came a significant number of complaints from people who find the behavior of other users inappropriate. This is especially the case with marriage proposal websites that were created specifically for certain cultures, such as the Indian, Sri Lankan or Saudi Arabian communities. Since these dedicated websites have become arenas for social interaction and cultural communication between members of society, they should be analyzed from a social perspective in order to determine their dynamics and the cause of the occasional conflicts, and mangala kinkini.

    Just like in real life, online proposals can be quite challenging, because both partners need to be compatible, not just emotionally, but also culturally. Although there are specialized platforms that facilitate contact between members of similar nationalities, there are still many differences between those who sign up. We shall take one of the most relevant examples: Sri Lanka marriage proposal websites.

    Sri Lanka is one of the most diverse countries in the world in terms of religion. The majority of the population is Theravada Buddhism (more than 70%), but there are also Hindu, Muslim and Christian communities. This conglomerate of religions has led to conflicts that have shaken the country, so it's not surprising that religion also became a reason for misunderstanding on marriage websites. On the one hand, these platforms ask members to state their religion, which is made public, so users can easily use this filter and avoid misunderstandings. On the other hand, members may very well contact other members not because they want to meet them, but because they want to send hateful messages. Fortunately, websites have very strict codes of conduct and users who use inappropriate language are immediately banned.

    Sri Lankan marriage proposals have something that not all websites have: members who are relatives of the people getting married. Arranged marriages are quite common in this community, so those who use marriage proposal websites should expect to talk with parents, tutors, brothers or sisters. This means that, for higher success rate, they have to be very polite. Needless to say, respect and seriousness are a must. Marriage plays a very important role in the Sri Lankan society, so users who contact others just for fun are not well seen.

    Although this isn't exactly code of conduct, but rather a common practice, many Sri Lankan people like to state their education, degrees and titles. This increases the chances of being contacted back. Moreover, those who include these details into their marriage proposal, together with a relevant contact image, are considered to be more reliable. All in all, the policy of matrimonial websites created for Sri Lanka is to encourage seriousness and commitment. Although some of their policies are shared with international websites, Sri Lankan websites have something different: a focus on religious categorization. While this may be time saving, it can sometimes backfire, which is why security, control are stricter and member experience standards are higher.

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